Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Land of Shadows

Brief encounters in the ever open, never closed, land of eternal shadows: Placing your mortal soul on the line is seldom easy, that is unless you have no actual soul. I'm ambivalent when it comes to the matter of souls and their existence, souls come and go, some troubled, some disagreeable, others are completely fine, probably the majority. Then again are they even there at all? 

The shadows are a different matter, they lurk, they distort, they hide and they cover. You see, people will talk, people will stare but few will bother to listen. They like to make it all about them, as if they had any substance. Well...

"Actually I feel quite at home here (or there) in that shadowy world. You see despite my best efforts to hide the fact, I really have no soul at all, not the tiniest bit, I'm all shadow." These are words I never did say. I wonder who did, but that's not an actual question. 

On reflection (tough to see in the shadows) perhaps there's just a bit of shadowy matter maybe, floating, with a tiny portion of diluted soul, disjointed. That's better.

Saturday, January 04, 2020

Thursday, January 02, 2020

Colours of January

I did some colouring in today, (that's the 2nd of January 2020 to be precise). Of course when I say "did" what I really mean is supervised and when I say "supervised" what I really mean is facilitated but when I say "facilitated" what I really mean is observed and when I say "observed" what I really mean is that I was, for a short period of time in the same room as where these various masterpieces were created. I can therefore claim no actual credit for these pieces and intend not to do so at any soon or into the distant future.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Bye bye 2019

Farewell 2019: Best TV of the year? Possibly Succession, maybe Chernobyl, not GoT but it was OK and I'm glad it's wrapped up now. Can't really remember much more. Funny how a TV series can grip you for a time then just evaporate away into the ether like it was never really there. Just don't give into the fear of missing out, you're probably not missing much. Cheap, digestible entertainment, plenty more to come in 2020 to keep us all from thinking too seriously about the real problems out there. As for the worst TV, I don't watch enough to really have a proper opinion but BBC News and election coverage must be in there somewhere. Night night.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Thursday, December 26, 2019

When Christmas isn't white

No white Christmas here, just foggy sunshine beaming down to create the crisp and bright weather that was the order of the day. I also found myself in an unfamiliar part of the Lothians and managed to capture the Queensferry Crossing from a spot I've not used before (nor have many others I suspect). As a result I got some fairly satisfying shots as the mist rolled out across the river and the bridge structure emerged into sunlight.

Boxing Day

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Eve

I present a lovely and colourful Christmas tree I digitally knitted myself. Happy Christmas Eve and here's to fewer wordy word based things in 2020 (which is only a few days away and I'd like to think a reason to be cheerful).

Monday, December 23, 2019

Mealie Mince

Numerous possible spelling mistakes abound in the title but who cares? It's just a variation on an ongoing pie theme from the North where they know a thing or two.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Big headed cat

Another in  series of posts that contains a reasonable amount of the minimum of information: that's the minimum information in this minimalist statement.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Peat and Diesel

A Hebridean version of one of the most over exposed Christmas songs ever, a fact that's nobody's fault I suppose. Some babies grow up in peculiar ways. Anyway I cant dislike a band called Peat & Diesel despite their reliance on the awful tones of an accordion for the main part of their sound.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

A day

A day for quiet mindfulness, if that's at all possible. Avoid the news, the media, reports of large election queues or a "good" turnout. Cute dogs at polling stations. Postal votes and the possible impact of any bad weather. Avoid hoping for the best. All recent elections and referendums have produced results that only brought disappointment and led to a worsening sense of doom and gloom. That's no way to live, under the pressure of being ruled and governed by ignorant and corrupt idiots and having a grinding, bitter sense and experience of how badly their current policies and practices are turning out. So I'm closing my eyes, thinking of better things and better days and hoping that we all wake up to a significant change of government and leadership tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Easily distracted

The reality TV world of bright, shiny, noisy things beckons; Fastest Car is a predictable but amusing diversion. Opium from the tube, Nirvana from Netflix, rest and be thankful and be amused. I suppose I should know better, be seeking higher things, have aspirational goals. But ...

I should add that I've only watched a bit of one episode as a result of a radio interview/review I heard, not sure there's a long term viewing pattern forming here. Bright, shiny things etc.