To get yourself through this somewhat awkward time in the history of Great Britain and to ensure that you can pay all your bills, feed your children and keep your home warm you simply need to choose to do any or all of the following:
Try to work more hours, overtime, weekends or backshifts.
Get a more highly paid job, something with better prospects. You just never know.
Try networking with the correct people.
Even if you are quite unwell still go out to work.
Consider joining a good golf club or society.
Wear a woolly jumper if it's chilly.
Be seen as the one who is "eager" in the team.
Perhaps make some astute investments.
Learn to cook using basic, cheap ingredients.
Become an influencer.
Eat less take-away food.
Put an extra blanket on the bed.
Commit financial fraud, preferably on a grand scale.
Consider cancelling your Netflix or Amazon accounts.
Put your money "off-shore". It will work much harder there.
And if this doesn't work for you then it's all your own fault. That's the government's good advice that you just didn't take.