Friday, September 06, 2019

A more creative tone

The promotion of the more creatively well set up things in the world and original, tonally attuned material should really be what this blog is about. Recent posts have been a bit grim (understandably?). It's just tough to maintain a steady course when the fuckwits have taken over the sanatorium and their kind looks to be prospering thanks to various conspiracies and accidents coming together in opportune ways. Ugh. I therefore will try harder to shut out this corrupted world and delve more deeply into the less cruel and less real world of fantasy and creativity so ... for some reason I was quite happy to discover that this new album containing various types of sophisticated sounds was being promoted around the Twittersphere. Will it be any good? Are there any sample to be heard? Not sure. The link here gives some info as well as some unfortunately highly set prices and a far away release date. It can't all be good news...

Good news! The Dark Crystal prequel that's prequelling on Netflix is pretty reasonable. Apart from us referring to it using the somewhat derisory term "the puppets" it's actually rather good and err ... enthralling, if you like that sort of thing and of course it's another reasonable reason to avoid large chunks of the BBC's schedule.

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