Koln, a wonderful city with a crazy mixture of buildings, lanes and streets, vehicles and graffiti. Above is some anti-Nazi street art inspired by the events that took place here on Kristallnacht in 1938.
These are just fleeting thoughts from the heartland of the UK's colonial dustbin somewhere beyond the wall of sleep. Odd bits of music and so-called worldly wisdom may creep in from time to time. Don't expect too much and you won't feel let down. As ever AI and old age are to blame. I'll just leave it there ...
Koln, a wonderful city with a crazy mixture of buildings, lanes and streets, vehicles and graffiti. Above is some anti-Nazi street art inspired by the events that took place here on Kristallnacht in 1938.
Once the scales were up and running the ice cream was weighed and a price decided (by the machine). If ever there was an unnecessary process in retail this is it. What could be simpler than selling ice cream?
Now it's technically dependent on a dodgy system and with only a few grams either way it makes little sense. The ice cream was nice but the desire to over complicate the sale had me baffled. Also amid this technological breakthrough in frozen dessert retailing, I was surprised to find that their till was cash only.
*I know that the photo isn't actually of ice cream, it isn't even an ice lolly but it was on the wall of the shop.
The north is never too far away. Most of the time it's over there somewhere. This also applies to the other compass points. I'm not sure how accurate this painted, hand crafted and static compass is but it's well enough executed anyway, sitting as it does in a car park adjacent to the various bridges we have here. I'm sure tourists and vandals alike will find it quite attractive. I hope it survives the ravages of the summer.
We're all reminded by Google*, it never forgets.
Timely reminders, prompts, "take a look back", "those were the days".
Things we uploaded return to haunt us.
"Recognize this face?"
But one day, perhaps it will forget and who know's what might happen then?
Something beautiful? Something disastrous?
Memory fills up and fades.
The ages of innocence.
And the end.
*Google wants to know your pronouns. Nobody else does though.
Life in a harmonious dictatorship where we think we make all the correct choices.
One of those posts where somebody talks about a kettle or a fridge they've been using for about 60 years and how it's never failed them. I'm tempting fate. Well this Black and Decker 2 speed electric drill has been with me since mid 1978. I borrowed it from a friend to use on some house renovation work and promptly broke it. The 2 speed feature jammed solid. I tried to fix it but it was truly stuck in one speed (the faster one I think). I bought my friend a replacement drill and soldiered on with the old one expecting it to break down at any time.
Strangely I've used it regularly since and it's never missed a beat. Of course the chuck mechanism is worn out and the extra handles are long gone but it continues to operate. Last week I used it to drill into stone and masonry (3"deep holes) in order to put up a new house number outside. Obviously it will give up one day but at 44 plus years I can't complain. Thank you Chucky from B&D.
An unusual sight at the Porsche in the Glen day, held near East Kilbride. A restored 914, ex-California and Belgium. Not sure what the age and mileage is/was, with this type of rare car none of that is particularly important. Among all the "super" cars this simplistic VW powered, 1.7 air cooled model was my favourite. Over 200 shiny vehicles turned up, fairly choking the roads and display area, it made a decent wee day out.
The internal politics of just looking out of the window as a means of seeking serenity: Quite unexpectedly I've come to a conclusion about myself. I'm still me.
Happy with this inspirational vantage point which may be described as low, medium, high or not anything at all.
To get yourself through this somewhat awkward time in the history of Great Britain and to ensure that you can pay all your bills, feed your children and keep your home warm you simply need to choose to do any or all of the following:
Try to work more hours, overtime, weekends or backshifts.
Get a more highly paid job, something with better prospects. You just never know.
Try networking with the correct people.
Even if you are quite unwell still go out to work.
Consider joining a good golf club or society.
Wear a woolly jumper if it's chilly.
Be seen as the one who is "eager" in the team.
Perhaps make some astute investments.
Learn to cook using basic, cheap ingredients.
Become an influencer.
Eat less take-away food.
Put an extra blanket on the bed.
Commit financial fraud, preferably on a grand scale.
Consider cancelling your Netflix or Amazon accounts.
Put your money "off-shore". It will work much harder there.
And if this doesn't work for you then it's all your own fault. That's the government's good advice that you just didn't take.
When a picture is worth a thousand words and most of those words are likely to be swear words. Full credits go to @coldwarsteve the number one artist of our unfortunately toxic, digital and messed up times.
A picture once hung on the wall,
But then it wasn’t there at all.
A dirty mark and a pin hole show,
Where that stupid picture didn’t used to go.
Date Collection: The slow hobby of date collection and consumption is moving on at a pace that might be said to be comfortably slow. The dates of the date palm are harvested by experts and then stuffed by beginners. It can best be described as being a process. We use both exotic and mundane fillings. Examples might be and are not limited to: Diced grapefruit and brown sugar, crushed cumquat, slivers of anchovies in oil and sardine paste, coriander and mushroom, Malteser and sweet pickle, shortbread (crushed) with clotted cream and brandy, scrambled egg and peanut butter and of course finely chopped Mars Bar.
Doctored dates are popular in
Catholic and Islamic countries across the world thanks to various works of Biblical
fraud. In an apocryphal story Jesus turned a pile of donkey dung into sweet
dates flavoured with cinnamon and the honey from wild (or fairly upset as I
understand) bees and distributed them amongst the poor and the Roman colonists
in order to illustrate some now lost teaching points via a forgotten parable. Hence
“The Miracle of the Lost Parable”, a new film due out in December 2024 on
Netflix starring literally a cast of thousands of CGI peasants and funded by
the Date Marketing Board of Canada. Expect a sharp uptake in date demand that
party season.
Dates are a fruit. Did I say date and mean data or did I say data and mean date?