Loan House, (No.10 The Loan) was/is a Georgian manor house in South Queensferry, built in the 18th century. It appears to have been the magnificent home of a wealthy family. It had an elaborate frontage, an opulent interior and lavish gardens but by the mid 20th century was well and truly run down and dilapidated. The reasons for this are unclear. War, pestilence and the economic downturn?
The house was also badly damaged by fire before being renovated in the 1990s and converted for office space that is still in use. The pictures/words above and below are not mine but misappropriated and abridged from the web and form part of an "Edinburgh Ghost Stories" blog and narrative. I missed out a few unhelpful "details" that go along with the tale.
The ghostly monkey story whilst gruesome and shocking strikes me as a good pub anecdote that may well have been spun as a way of explaining the fate of the Loan House and it's fall from grace. In Scotland any kind of fall from grace is seen as worthy of twisted gossip, grim speculation and macabre celebration. Add in a murdering and belligerent monkey out for revenge on a cruel human and it just takes care of itself. We really enjoy that sort of thing. That's all you really need to know.