Saturday, April 13, 2024

Feathery Stroking

Dusted and cleaned the old PA and monitor gear properly today. This is in addition to the other PA so these will provide the stage monitor set up. Shake down sound check kind of gig happening on Sunday. A hoover, scissors and some feathery stroking was required. More fluff attached than there's fluff on a fluffy cat. Then the endless testing of endless leads and cables. I did this a few weeks ago but decided to double check again today. I'm mildly obsessive. Everything (amps, boards, leads etc. not pictured because they are all tidily stored in some cases and boxes) seems to be working. 

Leith Dockers Club tomorrow:

Thursday, April 11, 2024


This really isn't about anything: Following on from yesterday's on-line shopping moan I've now experienced another purveyor of expensive distractions but for (mostly) younger people.  Many things are there, some iconic: cute, cuddly and plush based around stuffed toys and accessories and it's all the rage apparently. Everything is "adorable". Not very cheap either. Shop until your card maxes out or your Apple Pay money tree withers here. Turns out that shopping is the new shopping.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Vintage Clothing Mafia

More first world problems: You get days where you're just bombarded with a new set of on-line advertisements that seem to come from nowhere but are somehow familiar. Traders and sellers that you've never heard of home in on your precious little corner of the internet and pound you with their often interesting but generally overpriced* wares. Today's offerings are mostly shirts, jackets, French hats (?) and loafers and on and on. 

*Unless based in China.

Are they exotic, cool and expensive? Are you just a little intrigued and tempted? Up to a point I suppose I am but I'm more quizzically impressed and annoyed at whatever  random click or hover that I might have made, quite innocently, that has led me to this intrusive and destabilizing barrage and how that algorithm just keeps on pumping out the sweet and themed consumer juices well beyond it's tolerable shelf life. And no, sorry but I do not wish to have sex with your website ... ever.

Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Harvest of the Souls

Harvest of the Souls: Only after receiving this piece some time after it fell from the back of a virtual lorry did I realise that it was all a reference to the almost forgotten cult of the "Great Pumpkin". Persecution (of a kind) was rife. Of course this is still a strange and holy festival time of year for the few followers who remain. Some of whom you just may know ... 

You think you're smart but you'll still pay £4.50 for a shitty coffee and £8.00 for lager in a plastic cup at the cricket or horse racing.

Curb Your Enthusiasm is probably the greatest work of comedy writing in my/yours lifetime.

American spelling is OK and doesn't really threaten the "English" civilized world.

Most stand up comedy isn't really all that funny taken out of the live context.

There are too many podcasts. Stop it. 

You don't need a reason to quietly rant other than the preservation of your own health.

Monday, April 08, 2024

Use This?

If we ever go for a vinyl greatest hits collection (this being highly unlikely for obvious reasons) this cover mock up has some potential. Original image found courtesy of CS's Instagram.

Cats having their tea. Hungry but still easily distracted after a healthy dose of fresh air from the Firth of Forth region of central Scottishland.

Usual suspects: Some old gits that make up "Capital Models". An Edinburgh band. Headphones often worn but not mandatory. Playing some tunes at Leith Dockers Club, Sunday April 14th from 1pm.

East End Park, Section North West. Home game against Plastic Whistle last Saturday. 1 - 1 draw.

Thursday, April 04, 2024

Eat Beautiful

Better late than never I discover fast food Asian style at itsu. The strap line "Eat Beautiful" is aiming maybe too high as it's not quite what the entire experience is about. It's a high street food machine. Having said that I've not explored the whole menu and probably never will. What I did try was fine, touch screen ordered, served up hot and quickly and it looked and tasted good. Reasonably priced? Maybe not too bad for a quick meal served up in the middle of a rainy Edinburgh.

Wednesday, April 03, 2024


An easy way to feel your age (if you're me) is to visit the repair yard and workshops at the Bo'ness railway museum. Up in the observation deck you can look down on the engineers working on old rolling stock and locos. It's all there; overhead cranes, lathes, heavy presses, drilling machines, greasy rags and gas bottles and the mechanical noise of it all. The glorious whirring motors, clangs and clunks, chatter and banter of a working workshop. Real people working with real metal today but at the same time each one stepping back in time to save part of the past somehow. 

Outside in the yard are piles of precious rolling stock and junk. More than is ever likely to be repaired here. It seems that there's a can't say no policy when equipment is offered here so it arrives and sits. Nobody wants to scrap anything. Some people just love those discarded machines, even on this huge and almost unworkable scale. I don't know what the plan is for the Deltic (above), it's rough and needs a bit of tinkering. The (Deltic) engines are out, maybe being refurbished, so I'd like to think, but the engine and chassis look like they need major TLC. A real tyre kicker and project for the black fingernail gang. 

Tuesday, April 02, 2024

White Caterthun

Only a few hundred feet up above the rolling Angus fields but it still feels like being on the roof of the world. A biting wind coming in from the North Sea like some icy invader doesn't help either. It's early April but never underestimate the Scottish weather conditions even at a modest altitude. It's an easy wee walk up here but the views are great and the sense of a ghostly history is almost overpowering. People chose to live in this space over 2000 years ago and made an enormous effort to make the hill top safe and habitable. Times were tough ...

Monday, April 01, 2024

Jellytot's Hate Crime

Of course it's all just an elaborate prank for April 1st and to piss off the electorate and right wing press but never mind that, imagine living in a country where infantile images are used in order to illustrate and communicate serious and complex issues. Then for that move to be policed by clumsy, unnecessary and makeshift laws that will all be a bit of a "work in progress". That means the details, judgements, and sentencing will all be done on the hoof*. "Laugh? I nearly voted for the Greens."  

Welcome to Scotland, where we like to make up new laws because we can't quite rely on the simple old laws to be acted upon or to fit the curve of the zeitgeist. We've become home to the brave new thought bully, trolls and revenge junkies and all those anonymous paranoid fantasists. No adult human ever enjoyed Jellytots.

*I do realize that law by it's very nature has to progress and evolve but this is all a bit different.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Dune II


Better late than never: Went to see Dune II in the Bo'ness Hippodrome last night. I ate quite a lot of sweets there too. No spoons of actual blue eyed Spice were available to try in the foyer unfortunately, just candy and coffee. The film was noisy, disturbing and impressive. A spectacle. The threat of too much of an earth based and scripted allegory hangs in the air like a dangling sword.  Technically advanced galactic warlords unable to detect and find people hiding a few inches under the sand. Religious overtones. Bloody and strange at times, but that's the Dune universe. Probably not everybody's cup of banana and antelope tea though. 

Dune II, a roaring success with all the right, pretty and successful people making it into the cast: It's already made well over $500m million so everything is OK and the entertainment industry will survive at least until next year. I'll not see it again though, I seldom watch a film twice even if I really like it. Just seems like quite a difficult thing to do. The first cut, first punch etc. I know that not everyone is like this. My time is precious but I still waste it.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Happy Robot Says

The happy groovy robot says that the bestest tiny insult you can ever use is quite simply "You little shit!"  Try it on a friend or enemy today and quietly enjoy the impact and the lifestyle altering outcomes. 

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Tesla Ownership

In this ill divided world we're all anxious sometimes about where we might sit, or float, or even sink*. We're part of a battered humanity that needs constant reference points that can give us some positional certainty, at least before the next slump; all suspended in a competitive soup of values. For a few that looks something like Tesla ownership, any badged product will do. A historical name and a set of concepts loaded with meaning, emotion and a confusing history. 

Nikola Tesla must look down in bafflement at the abuse and associations his good name gets now that it's risen to become a badge of honour, tech marketing and social division all across the world. Even David Bowie added his star to the Tesla myth. Tesla's resurrection towards some synthesis into pop culture and branded immortality is complete, (actually this applies to both Tesla and Bowie). Nicely wrapped up in a  cult of redemption and ongoing significance long after death grows, and you can take a long drive in it.

So Tesla ownership is now much more affordable should you crave to become part of such a divisive and crazy but aspirational thing:  £6.99 for four "Future" Gold AA Tesla batteries. I'm done.

*I know, nothing new here really.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

West Lothian Floaters

Strolling along the footpath of the Union Canal today, low sun and vanilla drizzle. Chilly indeed. The canal is named after the infamous union of West West Lothian and East West Lothian that took place (on this day) in 1812ish, so unreliable versions of history tell us. Prior to that it was simply known as Onion Canal because of the numerous onion plantations in the area. For a long while West Lothian was the home of serious onion smuggling across this part of northern Europe until the Calvinists poisoned the soil. The other notorious and illegal union of clowns, chumps and parliaments (1707) has of course nothing to do with the name Union here. 

Many strong willed, brave and reckless tattooed people have chosen to live upon these turbulent waters in narrow boats and canoes. These boat people are sometimes known as "Floaters" as in the sci-fi genre of beach combing. Some venture ashore at times to plant great field fulls of crops such as iceberg-blue-lettuce, sweet Chinese tobacco and liquorice root. While living in makeshift yurts along the canal banks these "Floaters" harvest their crops, steal nearby donkeys, burn damp logs and generally mess with the heads of local old people. They are story tellers and mystics. Their vegetative goods are then sold on at nearby markets, mostly to American tourists eagerly searching for recreational drugs and their family roots in what they term their "homeland" or "old country".

The canal winds it's way from Fountainbridge in the charming district of Edinburghshire to somewhere out there beyond the shape of Falkirk. No one I know has ever gone that far into the dark west and lived to tell the tale. The outline of Scotland and it's many warring counties and tribes has never been fully understood or recognized. Viewed from space it remains a vague and fuzzy enigma. Overall the Romans, who actually built the Onion Canal as a watery wall, seem to have done the best job of providing a ruling regime that at least worked for a time in a few regions. They are long gone now but fondly remembered in our many fish and chip and pizza establishments.

Heading westwards on the Onion Canal.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Emergency on Planet Scotia


We are experiencing rain but not really in a bad or destructive way. It may well be affecting the general outlook of parts of the population but this is the current version of Scotland. Scotland 2024 for want of a more descriptive title. Mist, lochs, missed opportunities and the ongoing struggle with some nameless internal misery that can't quite be explained but is tolerated as some sort of national quirk. We don't want to be understood. At first glance it may be amusing, whimsical even but in the long term quite deadly. Beware the maniacal laugh or sinister snigger at the end of those well structured sentences.

You'll always know us by a mix of our friendly but blank demeanor, the positively negative body language and the overuse of a poetic and over amplified drawl. There's trouble in using too many words too, apart from when swearing. Oh bother! We'll be badly dressed mostly, like somebody who's just come in from a day of picking potatoes in drizzle. History tells us that it'll all be fine once the oppression and the rain stops; then everything will be like the weather ... fine. Nothing new to see here.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Weekender Daily Photos

Visited god's own country, the town of the green oak where quite a lot of faded engineering glory and heavy metal is on display. I'm there in order to witness and celebrate a narrow win for Dunfermline Athletic. Three valuable points as the struggle continues. A day of outandaboutery, sunshine, showers and a reasonably priced Lorne sausage roll at the game. Never actually seen the Pars beaten in Greenock.

Early Sunday morning saw the mysterious appearance of four mystical symbols on the outside wall of a nearby house above the waste bins. This cannot be explained by anything we know about so we just quietly and reverently celebrated witnessing this spectral passing spectacle. Strange events are common enough around here on a mad March Sunday.  Meanwhile we're getting through the equally mysterious "Three Body Problem" over on the Netflix channel. There's been a lot of hype about this show but so far it's certainly delivering and not at all disappointing. Weird, scary and believable. Also a big improvement on continually watching the daytime Cat TV channels on YouTube.

This is George, one of the trio of cats, performing a spectacular head roll and some extendable paw grabs on Saturday night. The inner joy of living lives within and is real.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Fill Your Head With Rock


In the interests of scientific experimentation I asked Alexa and some random AI bot that I met in a pub to "fill my head with rock". It was of course too vague an instruction and so fell upon deaf mechanical ears. My requests all just silently clattered into the great imaginary recycle bin in the sky.  My head was not filled with rock or indeed any kind of music or any actual buried minerals or stones. I just can't seem to get through to these things and their adopted devices, it's as if I'm the one who isn't real. And that ladies and gentlemen may just be closer to the truth than any of us dare to imagine.

A once mandatory listening experience: Too old now that it hardly matters and with so many peculiar (and dead) people playing on it. Perhaps the AI culture feeders were doing me a favour or adhering to some censorship instruction from on high, but this was what I had in mind: 

Friday, March 22, 2024

Edinburgh - Not Quite Live

The things that pass for "news" reporting around here: Apparently a giant "battleship" arrived in the Forth and the locals were "awestruck". This style of shallow, puerile reporting really gets my goat. Firstly it's a broken aircraft carrier that was being towed into Rosyth for repair. The RN hasn't done battleships for about sixty years. As for the awestruck locals, well the two RN aircraft carriers were built here and we've seen them come and go numerous times, we're not over excited feckin' idiots. It also came up the river and under the bridges at 6:45 in the morning, there were not any cheering or bedazzled crowds on the shore. I watched it, in the still of the morning, from my window just before doing a Joe Wick's session. 

The absurdity of the media's habit of upgrading the mundane and dare I say normal routine of things into some kind of sensation kills me. Even writing about it is painful. "Edinburgh Live" is nothing more than an irritating advertising site that sneaks in occasional bits of waffle and tittle tattle between the pop-ups, click bait and noise. I never asked for it but somehow it's embedded in my phone if I dare to swipe left. Sadly it's not alone.

What's the point of the internet if you can't just moan about it? Ho hum.

Thursday, March 21, 2024


Yeah, the music business is a mess, nobody at the creative bottom end makes real money, what's the point? The suits hoover up any profit, the middlemen and the touts get the rest, the media is corrupt, the poor artists starve and those quirky graphic designers just get abuse, blah blah blah! Oh and we're all doomed and plagiarism and skull duggery rule and who is buying 24 million guitars from China every year? All of this may be true but we can't fix it at the moment, too many other pressing tasks in the pipeline. We've decided to just be insanely happy instead. So should you and without any further ado also get all the digitized sonic spice from our latest efforts here. 🠜 or 🠞 here.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Friends With Egg Benefits


On a busy morning there's nothing better than a nice cup of egg or two to slow down your  highly active metabolic and thought processes. Take the stress out of the everyday ups and the polar opposite of everyday ups. Quite soon you will be your old laconic, chilled, dry mouthed but energized self again. Life is indeed a bowl of cherry flavoured yogurt that contains absolutely no real cherries but on the bright side, no stones either. You must seek the pathway of ... something vaguely reasonable or wholesome. 

Failure to self medicate and so calm your unnatural inclinations can increase your chances of well-being related pompous grandiosity and arrogant long-termism and may even result in extreme cases of you becoming a high risk passenger aboard this sort of thing 🡇 ... the temperature on Mars sits at around -60C. A rather extreme alternative to living with global warming really, maybe just wake up and fix this planet first?

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Attention Visitor of Boots


Always a sucker for a good slab of spam so the pithy and attention grabbing title "Attention Visitor of Boots" had me right away. It's so hard to resist clicking further into such a well worded invitation and thereby gain access to world of digital and financial pain but somehow I avoided doing so. I chose to screen shot it and then delete it but what a promise ... just complete a simple survey involving only your bank account details and you shall receive what looks like a 1 litre bottle of j'adore. I presume that this isn't quaffable alcohol but something suitably exotic that you might splash all over your person after a hot or even mid temperature shower. What a deal! Truly hard to resist and of course the girl looks really pretty, happy and honest ... OK then, just take all of my personal info and send me the fancy red box.