Saturday, October 10, 2015

His Bobness

When not busy being the semi-retired genial and erudite genius of the beat/pop/rock/folk/( and all genres that are applicable) generation apparently His Bobness, Mr Dylan likes nothing better than to weld together scrap metal in his spare time. He makes gates, fence sections and artefacts from junk. He does this in a big shed (great concept for blokes of a certain age range) in Malibu, instantly proving that all lost and bewildered men need a shed of some sort in which to explore their creative instincts. They probably need to injure themselves a bit in the process as well and get annoyed and frustrated with how tricky it can be to do simple things in metal fabrication. I salute his efforts and look forward to seeing his work, it is about to be exhibited somewhere over here in the near future. I need some ideas for a new gate so who knows where this theme time ironmongery will lead.

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