Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Final Thoughts

FFS. I guess I'm politically naive, I expect better things from people. Straight lines to be drawn between things. Simple arguments rather than complicated ones. Getting to the point etc. Being transparent enough so that the general public will at least understand where you're coming from and going to. But modern politics isn't like that, if it ever was.

The SNP have a strategy but it's not clear, no matter what they say because they don't indulge in straight talking (OK maybe they're not so bad with Covid). They have become a closed shop, a machine and I'm done with that sort of thing. The rot began in 2014, it's not stopped and it will get worse. They are weak, distracted and mostly self serving, careers before country etc. Mr Rushdie puts in well enough.

I can't be bothered anymore. None of this really matters. 😕

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