Sunday, March 17, 2024

Film Noir in the 90s

Clarke Ladle, Emily Frankfurter and Dolby Enterprise.

Obscurity Knocks: They* were never really troubled by movie success or the dangers of over exposure and those airily intoxicating wafts of flickering fame. The mini boom in *Film Noir as a genre in the 90s was just that and always much more maximum mini than any kind of earth shattering boom. Still for a brief period of time there was some excitement generated by these folks but that quietly died away when something else more commercially successful and better written came along. So here are some of the potential great, forgotten would be stars of a valiant but failed Noir experiment. Do you remember any of them? Where are they all now?

Smith Zippo, Teardrop Chicane-Phillips, Valerie Hicksville and Fingal M Blossom.

Holly Wally, Bernadette St Joan of Arc, Stevie Von-Zeppelin. 

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