As if the tattie crop catastrophe wasn't enough I find that the Psycho engineers and their great earth moving machines have created a veritable dust bowl out front. Four days of unseasonal dry weather and numerous 20 tonne vehicles have agitated mother earth causing great choking clouds of particles to rise high into the atmosphere and then fall on our local community. We are covered in disturbed material or if you will a thin and dirty film - a bit like Naked Lunch. Meanwhile the debris strewn causeway to Fife is still heading out over the sea and into the distance and does the pudding headed control freak Uncle Eck Salmond know about this alternative Forth crossing and if so who is underwriting the funding?
Friday, September 03, 2010
Man made natural disasters
As if the tattie crop catastrophe wasn't enough I find that the Psycho engineers and their great earth moving machines have created a veritable dust bowl out front. Four days of unseasonal dry weather and numerous 20 tonne vehicles have agitated mother earth causing great choking clouds of particles to rise high into the atmosphere and then fall on our local community. We are covered in disturbed material or if you will a thin and dirty film - a bit like Naked Lunch. Meanwhile the debris strewn causeway to Fife is still heading out over the sea and into the distance and does the pudding headed control freak Uncle Eck Salmond know about this alternative Forth crossing and if so who is underwriting the funding?
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Under Construction
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Psycho II
Psycho progress continues as it does revealing the following secret history; pictured above are the ancient ruins of Abercorn Castle 0845 to 1154 (times approximate). It was here that Princess Margaret, a mermaid from Denmark, set up home with King Malcolm Middleton the Rotund. Together they brought fierce religious beliefs, various useful pottery pots and deer skinning techniques to the primitive Picts who rewarded them both with a ritual beheading and a jolly good bonfire party. King Malcolm also invented the hotel and then the tin opener, unfortunately tinned food and tin were not at that point available to the general public so he was nicknamed "the Misunderstood". Odd that his crippling speech impediment is never mentioned. Things have moved on and their once splendid castle has now been looted and bulldozed so that townies can visit the countryside and kindly leave their Lucozade bottles and Kit-Kat wrappers as habitat for the embattled wildlife.
Locally produced food is the best beating both Poundland and Lidl's tawdry efforts into a cocked hat. This weekend we've feasted on garden potatoes (best suited for relentless mashing and pounding), garden rhubarb and tree based plums. These fine foods were duly heated up and consumed by a hungry family, part of which spent today marvelling at the unique weather system that sits permanently and directly over Pittenweem (almost home of the self righteous and frankly boring Fence Collective) and sailing great ships, something of a family business.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Some kind of Hell
- Hell doesn't avenge evil or reveal God's power. It does the exact opposite! By holding on to the doctrine of eternal hell, we in essence hold to the belief that in the end God's will to save all people goes unfulfilled, which puts God's power and goodness in doubt.
- Hell heralds eternal hopelessness. Suffering in hell for all eternity means that souls burning there forever will exist without any hope of redemption. This leads us to the belief that God withdraws unconditional love once a person's body dies. In other words, God's love for us is tied to the physical body and the temporal realm, and grace disappears for unbelievers after the physical life is gone.
- Hell keeps evil in eternal existence. The Bible tells us that, in the end, God will abolish evil. Yet, somewhere in the universal expanse of God's perfect peaceful kingdom, evil still survives in those who inhabit hell -- evil "lives" on eternally.
- Hell creates a clash between justice and love. We unintentionally conjure up a cruel father who demands that unrepentant sinners spend eternity in the flames of hell, finding endless torture an agreeable way to achieve justice -- which is a far cry from the God who loves with an everlasting love. We develop a picture of a God who promotes eternal punishment as positive, as part and parcel of divine love and justice. We try to relieve these tensions by appealing to God's love and mercy on the one hand, and to God's justice and wrath on the other. Such a view of God's love, mercy, justice, and wrath leads to the conclusion that to love is to punish eternally and, therefore, to punish eternally is just.
- Hell assigns eternal violence to God: Traditional theories of hell not only keep evil in eternal existence; they also keep the cycle of violence in motion for all eternity as unfortunate souls suffer the ferocity of eternal torture because God requires it.
- Hell executes eternal punishment for temporal sin: Does sin committed during one short, temporary life span deserve an eternity of punishment? Even in our own society, we strive to make the punishment fit the crime.
Sair Heid?
Never turn down an opportunity to shout, 'F**k them all!' at the top of your voice.
Avoid bigots of all descriptions.
Let your own bed become to you what the Pole Star was to sailors of old ... look forward to it.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
It is obvious
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Another day...
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Special effects
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Watership Down Syndrome
A large, mean looking black hole appeared in the earth and we found a leg of deer (or the rear leg of a deer) up a tree. The rest of the deer had however hopped it. The track is forming up nicely and any day lots of clunking psychos and their partners will arrive, sweating with their packed lunches, heading for the now nearby and convenient sewage free coast. Meanwhile we're considering opening a nice tea shop in order to cash in on the thirsty, visiting psychos. The kind of up market shoppe that has tea and scones and tits and tats and no greasy spoons etc.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Theory buster
Jonny C Clarke
Short(ish) poem inspired by seeing JCC, 19/08/10 at 2330 in a big town in the rain. Ahem...
"John Cooper Clarke
Comes in from the dark
Side stuck in permanent profile
A head on stilts that groans
Like a sliced Ramone
Painted on jeans
Tattered scripts mean
The perpetual illusion
Literary confusion
Lament no lamination
On notes or notation
Scribbles and stencils
Like and unleaded pencil
John Cooper Clarke
Festival stick insect
Heroin chic defects
A lack of respect
For the untwisted word
Sexually transmitted diseases
Coughs and sneezes
The North's balmy breezes
Personal hell freezes
The absurd and the norms
On parade and reformed
Big society’s worms
John Cooper Clarke
Needs a good meal
Needs time to heal
This walking corpse
Rides the fourth horse
Emaciated, animated
Spectral and laminated
A carbon copy punk
Drinks without being drunk
Starves without the hunger
Isn’t getting younger
John Cooper Clarke
John Cooper Clarke
Cigarette burns
Self harm returns
The wrong side of the razor
Unbuttoned unblazered
Glasses for lasers
Like Gollum in headlights
But I should write something trite
He was on for seven nights
Just more festival…magic
John Cooper Clarke
Shared a bed with Nico
An artists hole, a freak show
You should know
Addicted lover’s Boho
Where the disinfectant should go
It’s easier for a cat to bark
Space Shuttles to park
Feed Wheatabix to a shark
A flushed toilet to spark
Than be John Cooper Clarke
I don’t envy John Cooper Clarke
I don't want to be John Cooper Clarke.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Beechams Powders
Toyota Hilux
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Caithness daily photo
Inside the same house; a box bed onto which some old furniture has been placed, a commode has also been put in there for some reason. The floor has however been covered by peat, dirt and sheep dung. Clearly the animals use the open house(s) as a shelter, spending time in these solid but slowly rotting hulks is unpleasant and dangerous and they are not watertight. A strange, haunted place to visit. A ghost town shining in the broad daylight.