These are just fleeting thoughts from the heartland of the UK's colonial dustbin somewhere beyond the wall of sleep. Odd bits of music and so-called worldly wisdom may creep in from time to time. Don't expect too much and you won't feel let down. As ever AI and old age are to blame. I'll just leave it there ...
Short(ish) poem inspired by seeing JCC, 19/08/10 at 2330 in a big town in the rain. Ahem...
"John Cooper Clarke
Comes in from the dark
Side stuck in permanent profile
A head on stilts that groans
Like a sliced Ramone
Painted on jeans
Tattered scripts mean
The perpetual illusion
Literary confusion
Lament no lamination
On notes or notation
Scribbles and stencils
Like and unleaded pencil
John Cooper Clarke
Festival stick insect
Heroin chic defects
A lack of respect
For the untwisted word
Sexually transmitted diseases
Coughs and sneezes
The North's balmy breezes
Personal hell freezes
The absurd and the norms
On parade and reformed
Big society’s worms
John Cooper Clarke
Needs a good meal
Needs time to heal
This walking corpse
Rides the fourth horse
Emaciated, animated
Spectral and laminated
A carbon copy punk
Drinks without being drunk
Starves without the hunger
Isn’t getting younger
John Cooper Clarke
John Cooper Clarke
Cigarette burns
Self harm returns
The wrong side of the razor
Unbuttoned unblazered
Glasses for lasers
Like Gollum in headlights
But I should write something trite
He was on for seven nights
Just more festival…magic
John Cooper Clarke
Shared a bed with Nico
An artists hole, a freak show
You should know
Addicted lover’s Boho
Where the disinfectant should go
It’s easier for a cat to bark
Space Shuttles to park
Feed Wheatabix to a shark
A flushed toilet to spark
Than be John Cooper Clarke
I don’t envy John Cooper Clarke
I don't want to be John Cooper Clarke.