Nothing lasts forever in the material world: This car, minus a rear quarter light has been left abandoned in the local shop's car park since last December. I don't think it's been reported to anybody and I doubt anybody cares. I thought about reporting it myself but recent experiences with the police suggest to me they'll do very little. When car, shop or house burglar alarms go off any report is met with a chilly indifference.
There's no resource or energy there to get involved, that's pretty obvious to me. The traffic division prefer to monitor speeding offences and little else. I wonder how long this car will sit here. I'd imagine at some point it'll get torched and then there may be some resources deployed. It could have been resolved in a far simpler way. Ho hum.
Below are some out of date dates, they "expired" early January but I decided to try them last night. They were overlooked in the Christmas extravaganza. I'm still alive and typing this report a day later having scoffed a few. Please don't try this at home.