Monday, January 23, 2023

The Opposite of Art

AI art has been described as the opposite of art. Not by me. Probably by artists. Artists generally have more clout than cashiers, bus drivers and petrol pump attendants and the other replaced professions. Producing good "art" isn't easy either but I wouldn't fall into the "my five year old could've done that" trap when comparing or discussing art or AI art. For some reason I'm making a distinction between the two, maybe there shouldn't be one. Art has value, intent and meaning, but it fluctuates. Not sure if I'm including AI music and writing in this either. Maybe that's because I find the world of visual art a lot less accessible than music and writing. The art world is weird and too inclusive. I like idea of AI fucking it up a bit. Teasing the artists, making light of their training and gifts, an exercise in deflation and value that anyone can indulge in.

It would be ridiculous to think that AI might ever replace Da Vinci or Monet, that's not what this is about. It's about access and maybe misplaced taste that's not really bad, just personal and common. It's fun too, the mystery creation with no soul, like some lottery machine with a random prize with every millionth cyber ticket. "But it's stealing our ideas and work!" they may say. Yup and nope, it certainly is churning out product but the people who seriously buy artwork will still buy it because what they really value is your name and signature not your (often but not always) shitty bit of self indulgent painting. Always retain your receipt. In the end it's all just stuff people make up.

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