Friday, January 06, 2023

South Queensferry Daily Photo

Welcome to our local moon, seen here on a visit and doing it's ominous hovering on top of some bridge or other. And so a bad night for the resident werewolves and their unfortunate victims begins once again in our medieval themed location, a town now twinned with somewhere in Transylvania. There will be blood of some sort and a smattering of mayhem too. "Thank God it's Friday in the 'Ferry!" chant the pitchfork waving ghouls down in the high street as they struggle to navigate their way across the numerous pot-holes, fake cobbles, speed bumps and anti-pedestrian bollards that litter the place. These road safety features certainly hamper the progress of an innocent mob simply Hell bent on a quiet night out, a little bit of lynching and a decent bonfire. Full moon riots like this ensure that the native culture is preserved intact forevermore, or at least while the fellows and trick cyclists of the City Council remain up to their necks in the power of their Devilish porridge.

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