Idiots guide to blog posts: Waking up on a strangely sunny February morning and having nothing much new to say about anything, what to do? Easy, simply post a picture with a quotation from some reasonably interesting historical figure. Dead or alive doesn't really matter. The quotation should be profound enough to cause the reader to think for a moment (that's all anybody ever does), then they can move along and get on with their day. The blogger then feels like something has been achieved despite knowing that it's all trivial, unconnected and unable to be properly measured because of the abstract nature of all things.
Of course none of this applies to the higher life forms who post messages, kitten and puppy pics, car crashes and advice and incidents of all sorts on Insta or Tiktok. The strike rate is robust and the energy is intense. They not only survive, they thrive and all is well in their world other than some users may suffer from a strong sense of "I'm sure I've already seen that, I wonder where it was?"
There are holes in the sky where the rain gets in but they're ever so small which is why the rain is thin. SM.