In this ill divided world we're all anxious sometimes about where we might sit, or float, or even sink*. We're part of a battered humanity that needs constant reference points that can give us some positional certainty, at least before the next slump; all suspended in a competitive soup of values. For a few that looks something like Tesla ownership, any badged product will do. A historical name and a set of concepts loaded with meaning, emotion and a confusing history.
Nikola Tesla must look down in bafflement at the abuse and associations his good name gets now that it's risen to become a badge of honour, tech marketing and social division all across the world. Even David Bowie added his star to the Tesla myth. Tesla's resurrection towards some synthesis into pop culture and branded immortality is complete, (actually this applies to both Tesla and Bowie). Nicely wrapped up in a cult of redemption and ongoing significance long after death grows, and you can take a long drive in it.
So Tesla ownership is now much more affordable should you crave to become part of such a divisive and crazy but aspirational thing: £6.99 for four "Future" Gold AA Tesla batteries. I'm done.
*I know, nothing new here really.