impossible songs
An experiment on a bird in the air pump.
impossible songs
Uncertainty and unknowing. Where we all go and where nobody goes. A cough and a cry and a sudden rush.
Kids writing on a flat screen with felt tip pen. Rubbing it out with saliva and a wet finger, looking through the dancing light crystals to see into a virtual world of signals and pulses and endless traffic. Ink smudges still cloud the screen.
Listening to Jeremy by Pearl Jam. Guitar riffs.
Watching the speedometer and trying to keep it steady, such a constant metaphor. Blue lights on the dashboard.
Picking up voicemail but no message is there, only recorded street noise and a sudden click.
Retaining an interest.
A party in the dark countryside, lights, a warm house and front door open, a hundred people chattering and sipping drinks, warmth and hospitality for a time.
An old bird house with no bird residents. Fossils.
Reading reviews of films I'll never watch or books I'll never read.
Cover versions of songs by the Smiths.
Touching a cold hand and looking out for something else.
Finding the words.
We simply don't know enough about the richness of the life forms that this planet contains.
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