Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Our Most Guarded Institutions

We the great unwashed and uneducated need to be kept under control, kept hungry, uninformed and quiet. No unnecessary noise please. No laughing or gesticulating, no expressions that are not approved of, unless they approve of them and they'll tell us if they do. Listen, preferably on headphones, lose yourself in the screen images, that's the best thing for you, stay entertained, don't move around. Keep yourself to yourself. That is unless you want to enter a TV talent show or perhaps gamble or visit a shop ... but no stealing items you can't afford. Things have been planned and set up so that we can't easily move around. Transport is too expensive and disruptive. Those are not our lands or buildings either. Nobody wants that, to own land and buildings, it's just for them. Nobody wants dirty feet on the carpets, roads and pavements. There's a king and a royal family and a few thousand hangers on, perhaps they're even out and about and you mustn't upset or disrespect them or stare at their funny clothes. No.

"I’m headed on out of here with my paperwork and pills,

An AI drone’s gonna bury me, has all the necessary skills,

It could do Elvis or Peter Pan but I never was that kind of man,

Grave entertainment’s here on hand, 

To find that gateway to the promised land,

Eat, sleep, delete, completely incomplete."

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