Monday, June 10, 2024

Cat Day Afternoon

Cats: Mostly just cats being cats in the home and garden wonderland. Every so often they need to rescued from some mighty hedge that threatens to imprison them or they become hypnotized by bees, birds and floating specs of dust (from some long demolished outer planet). Then they climb up into complicated or flimsy trees that lead to other dimensions. We summon them back down and in for meals using cat treat bribery and promises and lies about exotic cat food. One of these days they'll see through the charade. 

They are getting a fair bit of vitamin C and occasional exercise learning the skills of stalking and hunting. I've kept the grass long and spindly in places so they have a jungle to explore. We're just getting tense and extra watchful. They know that we know that they can jump a seven foot gate or fence so it's set at a kind of escape stalemate at the moment. One good thing is that they dislike the rain and noisy people.

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