Thursday, February 27, 2025

Being Human

Actual photographic proof that, on a good day, eBay is a reasonably safe space/place in which to spend small amounts of money on things that you don't really need but somehow still need to own*. Showing restraint is of course admirable but to be honest it's not much fun either. Humans are fallible. I'm not advocating gambling here but when the rogue meteor is about to hit Central Scotland in a few years time, amongst other things I'll most likely be reflecting on my lifetime of rash behaviour at certain key moments, my questionable and impulsive decisions and of course all that good advice I just didn't take. Then I'll collect a few essentials and start travelling in some random direction as quickly as possible.

This heavy piece of curated timber (via a mean, moody, hot and nasty pic) did not arrive due to the delights of eBay though.

*Selling on eBay? Not so sure about that.

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