"I deleted a great swathe of my writings because no matter how much I teased and titillated them they were never going to amount to much; neither clever enough, interesting or properly funny. They had no place and no place would ever emerge that might be suitable for them. I prepared to sentence them and then perform the execution. They met their deserved fate in the recycle bin. I thought, why did I come all the way up to Oxford to be doing this?"
Codpiece Dripping from "Proper Poetry for Punks".
"I write from the gut, mostly. The head part is what provides the structure. The gut powers the piece with feelings and depth, but being a 'gut thing' any questioning of it's ways or motives is tough and always vigorously resisted. It's never rational or even sensible and that has resulted in a lot of conflict in my process. Setting everything in balance can mean that composing and correcting a few paragraphs takes hours, sometimes days."
Patricia MacAuley from "I Chose Disaster".
"Perhaps the first rule of wisdom is to develop enough self awareness so as to be a better editor of your own utterings and creations and to avoid inflicting that raw work onto some other unfortunate human. Of course AI can now contribute but increasingly I'm now more inclined to think of AI as at least sub-human. An uncomfortable thought I know but fairly logical in these times. We need to prepare ourselves. AI's status and power is something that I fully expect to change and develop quite quickly."
Bernard Smith-Ogilvie from "If Hemingway Was Still Alive."
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