Grandson No2's recent monster sketch, fixed by fridge magnet (Obama photo or egg timer) to the fridge door (lower), obviously in the kitchen.
Discovered item (in piano stool) in the living room. Alternate career path and income stream pursued by the seven dwarfs prior to their one big hit of 1937 or whenever.
Downstairs lobby, on the basket thing top where stuff awaits mostly categorisation, collection or abandonment. Instruction booklet for the new and very capable hoover, which is in fact a Vax.
Other random things accomplished:
Rogue and unloved Christmas tree surgically removed from living room via front door, now naked and prostrate in front garden.
Glitter and tinsel boxed and placed in 360 day storage system.
Major laundry and bed sorting works undertaken.
Pasta masterpiece created from found items in the bottom of the refrigerator.
Two Christmas specials retrieved from Sky Plus and consumed (score, three out of five for both).
Christmas officially over.