Monday, February 12, 2018
Not anytime soon
Today is eBay day, in this household anyway. Rumour has it that the bottom is falling out of the on-line, virtual and otherwise abstract custom guitar business. There may be some truth in it. I wouldn't really know. I'm just flooding the market with genuine fakes and recycled cardboard packaging.
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Keeping it all empty
I was loitering without any intent in a doorway in Dundee when I came upon this worn out piece of signage. Apart from the long gone businesses there's the print of Edwin W Smith, now removed to 83 Victoria Road and the whole world knows it but none of us know why. Was it forced, was it an opportunity, was it a step up or a step towards oblivion? I could research this but I'm not that type, I prefer just hanging on and allowing myself the idle fantasy of what might have happened next but probably didn't. God bless you Edwin, you are not forgotten it seems but your soul and story has shifted into the vacuum of emptiness that is graffiti history.
Friday, February 09, 2018
I miss that boy / I missed the point? Maybe it's only a long lost song, maybe nobody cares. But then again what does Spotify tell us? Often stranger things as we view listeners pickings. This song for example seldom gets just one play when streaming, it gets a few at a time. Sometimes six or seven. Then there's silence for a while and then along comes another batch of similar plays forming a tiny, emotional spike. In Italy or Holland perhaps, where there's somebody or some folks who puts this on repeat and pace the room, or slow dance or just stare out of the window as it plays and the rain pours down the misty glass, as they reflect, I guess. They could also be doing the ironing.
Digitized music allows us this look into the world and listening habits of anonymous, faraway consumers (?), an invisible audience with whom there's no real connection other than the sharing of the song. I doubt if any listeners are interested in us or how the song came about. No Tweets, posts, comments or feedback to reflect that. I can say this because I'm a bit like that myself, there's no need to understand the artist these days to appreciate the song. Not much point in interacting over a single, far away song, and you may be mistaken for a stalker or an oddball super-fan. Of course it wasn't always that way, there were times when an album was like a private diary or log or extensive personal back story that, in all it's creative forms (look, words and sounds) was opened up so as to mean something to the listener. I believe we refer to these creaky, monochrome tinged times as some kind of golden age of music, or even humanity.
Thursday, February 08, 2018
Austin Brexit
Are cars as boring as politics? Nobody knows but secretly I like both as guilty and stupid pleasures. Word has it that the US car building industry is about to collapse, not enough proper buyers, too many leases and stagnation, 60% of the car loans/leases are regarded as sub-prime. You know what that means...a deep shit filled hole may be ahead, one that the UK and European markets will follow American markets into. Add to that the prolonged chaos of Brexit and the reliance we've placed on non UK manufacturers for the industry here and we're headed for a fine mess.
I think I've only ever owned three British built cars; a Wolseley 16/60 a Rover 100 and a Mini Cooper (but the Mini was built by BMW and had a Brazilian engine so not sure it really counts). Yeah, British built cars, so near and yet so far, no major players survived the 80s really. They just couldn't compete with Japanese, Germany, French and Italian imports and when the Koreans got involved that was it. We in the UK just suck at building and marketing but strangely we design and develop well...but it's all history now. So much for loyalty, customers couldn't stay with the home grown rusty and unreliable motors and chose the (foreign isn't a good word anymore) more attractive rusty and unreliable options from elsewhere.
Once Brexit happens none of this shit will matter, we'll all be back to bikes and powered skateboards from China because no one will have the cash to buy a BMW or a Honda or fuel it up to run it. We'll be on our royal arses. So petrol or electricity? Makes no difference when you're down.
Wednesday, February 07, 2018
The universe has big ears
Ready for an audition for Black Metal Cats |
By that I don't mean that it's because Noddy wont pay the ransom either. It's the way things knit together, those happenings, unintended consequences, collisions and coincidences. They happen all the time via the power of speech, actions and sometimes just thinking, (maybe thinking out loud). Our fate is not completely in our own hands, it's being manipulated by the others, the weathers, the spirits and the ether, just as the Ancients always said in their ancient language. So we have these moments, those experiences where we've lost control but the universe has our backs, or, more likely kicks us up the arse.
Tuesday, February 06, 2018
Burden of Dreams
Pretend snow day: Watched "Burden of Dreams" a documentary about Werner Herzog's filming saga on "Fitzcaraldo", disturbing and mesmerizing in equal measure. Doing things the hard way for art's sake and the pursuit of a dream (not my dream though). A watery, steaming, jungle, mudbath of a nightmare where persistence gets you everywhere and creates and perpetuates myth upon myth in the chaos of the Amazon. I'm not made of the right stuff to be a film maker or actor in these circumstances, not enough chunky Kit-Kats or decent super/after market coffee on offer. The sprinkling of snow and the chilly temperatures here are hardly that much of a bother after all, so a healthier perspective is easily maintained but the output isn't the same.
Monday, February 05, 2018
Knee Jerk
My latest composition - for sale on eBay, there and available for art lovers everywhere for a small but reasonable fee. Or you can just browse for sweet nothing. Your choice.
Sunday, February 04, 2018
Mirror images
Back in the 70s veiled references to parallel universes were all the rage using cleverly reversed images. That and vaguely pornographic shadows and tiny hidden meanings. What a time to have been alive.
Saturday, February 03, 2018
Woke up...
..this morning and lo and behold there was the Usher Hall sitting right across the road. A bastion of art and performance and a reminder of a once famous brewing family that fueled the thirsty hearts of Scottish industry. It must be Edinburgh somewhere. Fortunately I wasn't just sitting on a bench or in the gutter having having had a long session in Brewdog. No, I was in a swish hotel room checking the weather and noticing the rain. There's also some kind of castle up there in the background.
Thursday, February 01, 2018
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Don't do "walk ins"
Sometime before v sometime afterwards. |
I decided to celebrate the end of the long and dreary month that is January by indulging myself with a full Turkish Barber haircut and shave experience. Being a Wednesday the barber shops were pretty much empty so space and waiting was not a problem. Strangely though in the first shop I wandered into (which was clearly empty), I was met with a polite but robust "we don't do walk-ins" rebuttal. I made out like I understood what a "walk in" was and tried not to look too much like a victim as I exited. Clearly I wasn't hipster enough for a stylish barber's shop named "Bearded Bastards". Things have changed in the few short (?) months since I last had a haircut, I may have the power to drive away custom. Perhaps I should've gone in and just demanded a "fucking decent haircut!" and they'd have accepted me as some kind of deranged but savable hipster. Anyway, just to spite the bearded bastards (and any other white male oppressors out there), I went to the next barber shop two doors down and sought help. This Turkish guy wasn't prejudiced, looked reasonable and "walk-ins" during blizzards seemed like an essential component in his business plan, so he set to work.
I settled into the chair and we had a brief conversation about clipper numbers, beard removal and money, I think I came out of it well. As I squinted to watch a TV show about the Burmese Railway and how to cross paddy fields with the incorrect materials using only elephants as tools, he chopped away at my ragged glory, shaved my eyebrows and scraped his cut throat razor across my pink but steady facial flesh. He used the hairdryer a lot to blow away the numerous hedge clippings and plastered spicy oil and hot towels across my sagging and now hairless features. There were raw flames as he tackled my ears but very little pain and not a single cut or release of blood. Then, via a strange piece of electrical equipment I was massaged in the top body area in a tough but soulful enough way, just to prepare me for standing straight again after spending 45 minutes pinned down in the frequently readjusted chair. I thanked him, paid him and left the shop feeling like I badly needed a coffee and a time of rest and reflection, so I went to the nearby Tesco cafe. It seems I'm no hipster (Tesco coffee tells you that!), not even close, just grey old bloke looking lost in a snow shower and in need of a good tidy up. At least I know my place.
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Surreal Pieces
Sometimes it's good take objects away from their natural setting or situation, take away any evidence of their use or purpose and place them elsewhere. Shift the context or mask it altogether. Here on a pale, vague background where size and location and lighting hardly matter objects might just become something else or just become next to nothing.
Monday, January 29, 2018
The History of Rock and Roll: Part One
One star out of a possible five and that was a few years ago. We are witnessing a steady decline, perhaps the history of rock and roll is now just history. Of course they say and they sing that "it'll never die" but tell that to the Grammys and the general public. Ponderous, repetitive and aimless?
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Cheese and Ham Saturday
Cheese and ham sandwich label. It expires on Saturday, unfit to consume etc. thereafter, maybe ok to stick under the grill and toast though? Would a "toast by date" for sandwichs help? Well yesterday was Saturday and that was when I ate the sandwich so there were no further problems.
Friday, January 26, 2018
Most days...
That fight or flight moment. |
*Jordan Peterson? Yeah...not so sure right now.
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Self Dep
Sometimes I have daydreams that go on for too long. A little self deprecation now and again never did anyone any harm, ever, probably. Not that that could be easily said about Mark E Smith, strange and sad to hear he's gone at only 60. I wonder if this is the end of the end for the Fall or if some kind of odd, unexpected resurrection or second coming will follow? A truculent man of many surprises.
Guitar surgery opened up today. One major but minor consultation requiring little special effort. Replacing the machine heads on my old workhorse Yamaha acoustic with some randoms I found in the tool box, tightening up the truss rod and putting on new, slightly heavier strings. First thoughts are that it's actually a lot better for all of that, staying in tune, slightly improved action and easier to play.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Collages in a musical square format
The troubled times of the late sixties and seventies were mostly spent finding crumbs of comfort and meaning by listening to popular music. This music was written and performed by equally troubled and frequently deranged geniuses and other starstruck individuals. However I wasn't listening to any of that, my tastes were only forming so it was the kind of sophisticated claptrap listed/photographed here that took my youthful fancy and soothed something savage and hungry within me, for a short time anyway. Looking back it's all a bit of a blur and most of the evidence has now either been destroyed or airbrushed from my history but once in a while a piece of the wreckage bubbles up from the bottom. When it does the memories that are keyed in are actually quite pleasant. The other thing is, no matter how many lists you make or bites you take at the cherry, some bits always get missed out.
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Greenish Day
Just been up to the local farm shop for provisions, came home and realized I'd forgotten the Coca-Cola. Damn! Whilst that is of course complete fiction what is true is that we experienced the quirky joy of cooking up and eating finely chopped broccoli last night. Like a trick we've been missing all of our lives the chopped up greenery is actually better and easier to eat than the complete version. When I say cooking I also mean piercing the film, microwaving it for 4 minutes and carefully opening the container to avoid the possible gush of burning steam. Proper food.
Monday, January 22, 2018
Chorus pedal float
"Hit that long lunar note...and let if float". Don Van Vliet may have said something like this suggesting that musical notes can actually float, here, there and also across vast uncharted parts of the cosmos. Not sure about that but here's a Chorus Pedal making a floating attempt of some sort whilst holding no notes whatsoever.
Facial Hair: After about a month of not shaving, apart from some slight edge trimming, this beard is becoming both itchy and irritating. It also seems to encourage the growth of nasal hair, as if the hairs were suddenly all seeing and seizing the opportunity to grow some more because there is now challenge to their progress. They sense that this is their hour in which to bloom so they might socialize with their fellows out there in the daylight regions. Little do they know that I'm on to them.
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