Saturday, June 01, 2024

Sunny Saturday in South Queensferry

The sound of rushing water albeit there's no sound on this clip, it's just a pretty little garden image. You have to imagine the restful plink plonk of the water and the birdsong in the trees and the regular zap and brap of over weight old guys keenly revving their large motorcycle engines at the biker's cafe somewhere in the distance. Life can be good.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Dance of the 3D Printers

Non human entertainment aimed mostly at non humans: An exciting new creative dance venture from the people who gave you "Things That Might Enhance Your Fiscal Repertoire", "Failing Upwards" and "Movements Through Sludge". They/we are pleased to announce that "The Dance Of The 3D Printers" will premiere on a screen or device (using assorted pixels) located near to you, or possibly in the residence next door or thereabouts, quite soon. 

We'll set an exact date as soon as the legal wrangles are resolved and when we can level the printer decks correctly and free up the blocked hot plastic tubes. Working with real artists who are also unreal can be a bit of a technical challenge but with God's help and a strong Southerly breeze we will surely succeed. Please note that we are no longer funded by unwanted or unclaimed Conservative Party donations. It was in fact a lie.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024


Not many people know that the inspiration for the design of the alien eggs in the Ridley Scott* movie "Alien" came from the production team's late night, marathon encounters with tequila and Ferrero Rochet chocolates set in their unique cradle/box container. I for one certainly did not know this until I made the whole story up yesterday at lunch time.

*Let's not forget Dan O'Bannon who wrote script.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Suggested by Amazon


I'm not sure what I've bought or searched for on Amazon that made this item a suggested purchase for me. A scaffolding tower, seven metres high, hmm, that's not any kind of risky at all for a man of my age and ability. I'll take two. One for the front of the house and one for the rear.

Below: Cats looking out of the window as I teeter along in a strong wind on top of the handy, DIY enabling, Amazon sourced tower outside. Killing off those high level odd jobs one shaky hammer blow at a time.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Happened the Other Day(s)

On Saturday night the Capital Models gig at Leith Docker's Club went down well. A decent crowd of revelers attended, most up for a singalong and some dancing and hopefully they all enjoyed themselves and will return for more, but the question is will we?  All our commitments have been settled for gigs so will we be asked back for more mayhem and more either too loud or too quiet music (you can never tell)? There's a lot of uncertainty in this world of  live music and where and when it can be fitted in - and your set content needs to be deemed "popular" though nobody seems to know what that actually means. Audience demographics being hard to predict in times of austerity. In the end you just do what can and do what you know and enjoy it. (Photo credit: AR).

Ali and I returned to LDC on Sunday for more live music; basically an afternoon birthday jam. The overall standard of performance was pretty high and we were happy to take part. We also scoffed a lot of birthday food and enjoyed more singalongs and catch ups and avoided the rain. A very pleasant and (for me) quite emotional afternoon - some performances were off the scale, top notch. I also am wondering about the possibility of a tiny LDC curse of some sort bearing down on me, I seem to break guitar strings there on a regular basis.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Happening Tomorrow

For deeply religious reasons I am unable to post posts on a Saturday. Divine retribution of some terrible kind would befall me, no doubt. There would be blood. Also unspeakable horror and torment etc. So I'm posting this small but well formed reminder today (Friday) thereby avoiding the curse of the weird weekend and the Sabbath and all those sort of things. So at around eight o'clock tomorrow evening (Saturday 25th), our brand of genuine rock music will be unleashed at Leith Docker's Club in the fine but somewhat dilapidated city of Edinburgh. Capital Models are alive and kicking along with the occasional stumble or moment of absent mindedness. Don't miss it. Free entry and cheap alcohol. 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

AI Cat in the Spinach Patch


In a garden where secrets lie,
Beyond the human’s watchful eye,
An AI cat, so silent, roams,
In the spinach patch, he calls his home.

Among the greens, cat moves unseen,
A digital ghost, swift and keen,
Whispering to the leaves he finds,
The coded dreams of human minds.

Digitized feline, sharp and sly,
With algorithmic, knowing eye,
You bridge the worlds, now near and far,
Those tales of tech and green memoir.

In shadows cast by starlit sky,
You ponder life and so do I,
In the spinach patch, in everything,
A silent hero, an unseen King.

"AI lyric possibly in the style of Leonard Cohen"

                             Well that's what it said on the side of the packet.
                              Some human intervention may have occurred.

We actually have a real cat (three in fact) and a fairly real spinach patch (all the rage these days amongst the chattering classes). Now dead poet's names are quietly exploited on a whim by cheap AI.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Go Away!

Today's news: Cold War Steve nails the moment yet again. Our so called leader is, as we might say up here in Scotlandshire, a complete fanny. The problem is ... well we all know how this goes. Ho hum.

Capital Models v Leith

Capital Models: We're back in town this Saturday (May 25th) playing live at Leith Docker's Club. 20:00 start time, finishing around 23:45. We're temporarily reduced to a four piece this time but will still make plenty of noise running through a dose of hits and floor fillers from err... the past, or recent history as some folks like to describe it. Free entry and a reasonably priced bar. Ignore the headphones.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tales From The Looper


I bought this loop pedal in Manny's Guitars in New York about 15 years ago. It cost me $100 and I've not regretted the purchase. Sadly it seems it's days of looping and layering are done as it's not really working and does produce some odd and unplanned "Echos" era Pink Floyd noises from time to time. It screams at me mainly and I find that disturbing. It's been used successfully on a number of recordings and I've tried it in live situations but ... obviously I'm no K T Tunstall so that never went too well. For practice though a looper is a great tool and this one has been useful. Now a life in other pastures beckon via the services of Mr eBay. Some erstwhile screwdriver jockey just might know a fix. Clearly I don't. 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Cat Nativity

Despite the fact that it's May or thereabouts the cats still went ahead with their project to create a Christmas Nativity scene from some used boxes and their favourite small toys. Overall I think they're quite pleased with the end result. Not sure it'll last until the real Christmas bun fight starts but it's a good effort, hearts in the right place etc. Above features the construction team, below is the end result.

Saturday, May 18, 2024


Rare seeing a dragonfly in the garden. Ali captured a shot of this one today (that well might be yesterday by the time ...). I was momentarily reminded of the Jimi Hendrix lyric; Spanish Castle Magic.

"It's very far away
It takes about a half a day to get there
If we travel by my dragonfly
No it's not in Spain
But all the same you know, it's a groovy name
And the wind's just right."

Friday, May 17, 2024

The Sourdough Diaries


My daughter in law kindly provided us with an enormous sourdough loaf. Here it is before consumption began. We're now on day three of sourdough living and it's going very well. Of course it's winding down a bit after three days but it still makes wonderful and robust toast. Peanut butter, jam, banana, beans, cheese have alighted on it's fluffy deck but no Nutella, chips or bacon so far. The actual creation of this foodstuff and the management of the holy dough is beyond me but I'm happy to partake of any good baked up examples out there.

The other day we discovered that we'd been married for at least fourteen years. We've been together even longer but that's another story. Time passes very quickly when you're happy in a relationship and you've still got most of your marbles. We had an indoor lunch and a slurp of grape fermented juice complete with a familiar and iconic outdoor view. 

As a gentle reminder, there are two Red Fox Labrador puppies still for sale. If you've the time and space you will not regret letting at least one of these animals into your life.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Album Cover Wisdom

Duane Eddy died recently. "He was an American rock and roll guitarist. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, he had a string of hit records produced by Lee Hazlewood which were noted for their characteristically "twangy" guitar sound, including "Rebel-'Rouser", "Peter Gunn", and "Because They're Young". He had sold 12 million records by 1963. His guitar style influenced the Shadows, the Beatles and Bruce Springsteen."  This is from Wikipedia of course. 

Anyway I was listening to a Word Podcast and they were talking about Eddy, his career, influence and the ludicrous overuse of the word "Twang" in his album titles, then they mentioned the one above. No twang but just an odd composition of things that's simply strange and very much of the time. I had to look it up and so here it is. I particularly like that the floor is strewn with books all titled "Wisdom" while two female models appear to be contemplating who knows what. Perhaps Dylan's lyrics; despite the album being all guitar instrumentals. A classic album cover from which I've never heard a single tune at all and probably never will.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Fox Red Lab Pups

Fox Red Labrador Pups are available: Out of a litter of seven very healthy Fox Red Labrador pups two are still looking for homes. A boy and a girl. They are the cutest puppies and they grow up into elegant, clever and intelligent working dogs and great companions. Mum is pictured below and has all of the expected high standard breeding credentials within her family history. If you think you might like one and could provide a suitable and safe home please contact me via the comments for more details. FYI these classy pups are in Aberdeen.

Monday, May 13, 2024

At Last The Stick Sprouts

After about three months in the ground the apple stick has decided to turn into an early version of an apple tree. Much to my relief it's clearly alive and dare I say thriving. I can't really take any credit for this small miracle. Nature is full of seasonal surprises as forgotten or ignored plants and shrubs start to reclaim their spaces in the garden by simply growing back up and alive after the cold dead winter. Not that the last winter was all that bad really, but it's late spring and his might well be my favourite time of year.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Randomness Abounds

Lightweight guitar porn.

Zippy the "fun" cat sports a green skid mark on his head after getting stuck in our garden hedge. Apart from that he's doing fine, we're still a bit nervous though. Cats will be cats.

Artist's impression of the South Queensferry String Quartet tuning up prior to an imaginary performance. We're a very cultured little town you know, but like to keep things low key. 

Thursday, May 09, 2024

South Queenferry Daily Photo

George the cat climbs somewhat awkwardly around in a tree in our garden in a desperate attempt to catch a sparrow that's about twenty feet above his head on a telephone wire. He made it back down unscathed as is normal even for daft cats.

A curious feature seen in the High Street. A closed portal, a redundant fireplace, a little nook for plants? We'll never know the truth. We popped by the new cafe and bakery, Dune, around about 12:30. They were closed, they'd sold out of everything. Wow! This seems to happen in certain small businesses, I've noticed that Tantrum Donuts are often sold out. Perhaps a sign of the economic hard times were nobody wants to over stock so they play safe. Can hardly blame them. After 14 years of austerity people just have to keep putting the brakes on. I hate what this poxy government has done to the hopes and aspirations of British people. 

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

The Cellardyke Cannons

The old bathing pool in Cellardyke, Fife (my actual home town of sorts) contains some hidden treasure, also of sorts. 19th century ships' cannons that didn't really come from any local shipwrecks but are historically significant nonetheless, being old. They were dumped in the old pool about twenty years ago having been salvaged from Aberdeen harbour and Burntisland's shoreline. They remain in the salt water in order to avoid deteriorating in the, toxic to them, Fife atmosphere. If exposed to the air they'd be gone very quickly, so I'm told. 

They remain in the not so murky depths (pretty shallow) of the tidal pool as part of a long term study / project being undertaken by St Andrews University boffins. I don't think they could be casually removed should any petty criminal be after easy scrap metal money or a fast buck garden ornamentation sale. Those wild and crazy East Fife Dippers take a certain pride in these historic cannons lurking in one of the spots they regularly swim in, which is fine. Photos from the Cellardyke Tidal Pool group.

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Obscured by Pub Rock

This isn't any kind of rate my rig post so don't be tempted. We played at a splendid wedding venue at the weekend and this was my equipment featuring No.1 (Gibson Les Dawson) and No.2 (Washburn 335). Also there for posterity are a Roland Cube, Carlsbro 100w head and my clunky, sometimes noisy, DIY pedal board. The whole band is streamed through a Bose 1000w PA. I have no clear idea what it all sounds like when we are playing but I do know people liked dancing to it and seemed to have a lot of wholesome wedding party fun. Overall set up plus uncut wedding cake featured below.  

Final lighting display all done up by John W.
Photo above courtesy of CBQ.