On Saturday night the Capital Models gig at Leith Docker's Club went down well. A decent crowd of revelers attended, most up for a singalong and some dancing and hopefully they all enjoyed themselves and will return for more, but the question is will we? All our commitments have been settled for gigs so will we be asked back for more mayhem and more either too loud or too quiet music (you can never tell)? There's a lot of uncertainty in this world of live music and where and when it can be fitted in - and your set content needs to be deemed "popular" though nobody seems to know what that actually means. Audience demographics being hard to predict in times of austerity. In the end you just do what can and do what you know and enjoy it. (Photo credit: AR).
Ali and I returned to LDC on Sunday for more live music; basically an afternoon birthday jam. The overall standard of performance was pretty high and we were happy to take part. We also scoffed a lot of birthday food and enjoyed more singalongs and catch ups and avoided the rain. A very pleasant and (for me) quite emotional afternoon - some performances were off the scale, top notch. I also am wondering about the possibility of a tiny LDC curse of some sort bearing down on me, I seem to break guitar strings there on a regular basis.
Glad to hear Sunday went well JB!