Friday, May 31, 2024

Dance of the 3D Printers

Non human entertainment aimed mostly at non humans: An exciting new creative dance venture from the people who gave you "Things That Might Enhance Your Fiscal Repertoire", "Failing Upwards" and "Movements Through Sludge". They/we are pleased to announce that "The Dance Of The 3D Printers" will premiere on a screen or device (using assorted pixels) located near to you, or possibly in the residence next door or thereabouts, quite soon. 

We'll set an exact date as soon as the legal wrangles are resolved and when we can level the printer decks correctly and free up the blocked hot plastic tubes. Working with real artists who are also unreal can be a bit of a technical challenge but with God's help and a strong Southerly breeze we will surely succeed. Please note that we are no longer funded by unwanted or unclaimed Conservative Party donations. It was in fact a lie.

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