Friday, May 17, 2024

The Sourdough Diaries


My daughter in law kindly provided us with an enormous sourdough loaf. Here it is before consumption began. We're now on day three of sourdough living and it's going very well. Of course it's winding down a bit after three days but it still makes wonderful and robust toast. Peanut butter, jam, banana, beans, cheese have alighted on it's fluffy deck but no Nutella, chips or bacon so far. The actual creation of this foodstuff and the management of the holy dough is beyond me but I'm happy to partake of any good baked up examples out there.

The other day we discovered that we'd been married for at least fourteen years. We've been together even longer but that's another story. Time passes very quickly when you're happy in a relationship and you've still got most of your marbles. We had an indoor lunch and a slurp of grape fermented juice complete with a familiar and iconic outdoor view. 

As a gentle reminder, there are two Red Fox Labrador puppies still for sale. If you've the time and space you will not regret letting at least one of these animals into your life.

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