Saturday, March 15, 2025

Deep 70s

Confession time: I'm actually listening to Deep 70s quite a lot and enjoying it. David Hepworth and I are in sync on this and I like his choices and pithy sleeve notes. When I say listening I'm doing so in a slightly uneven manner as there are four themes in this set and I've managed to get stuck in one and it's not; "big names early in their careers" (Young Americans), "UK pub rock superstars" (Blue Boar Blues) or "female singers who almost missed the mark" (The Monstrous Regiment). No.

I'm afraid it's the fairly "unprogressive rock and blues, brown around the edges, salad bowl" (Beer Drinkers and Hell Raisers) that's featuring the likes of Jonny Winter, ZZ Top, Canned Heat, Status Quo and the frankly marvelous Flamin' Groovies. Three, maybe even four chords and the truth to be precise. How the mighty (I mean listeners) have fallen but they just don't know it yet. I'm in a time warp, but then again I always have been and feel quite at home in it.

Friday, March 14, 2025

Inspired By Marillion

Inner conflict: It's funny how you can like the idea of something but not really like the thing itself. Like oysters or sleeping in or drinking too much alcohol or just spending a day doing nothing or looking forward to a seeing a movie then actually seeing it ... I could go on. So I like the idea of progressive rock (?) but I also don't really like progressive rock but I'd still like to somehow play progressive rock in a band but not really listen to it too much but I'd like to go and watch a concert but maybe not quite be a fan but I'd wear the T shirt but not try to sound too enthusiastic about the band though I'd read stuff about them on their website and listen to clips but I'd not bother buying a CD or anything ... etc. 

So on to Marillion; possibly the dullest, most misunderstood and unluckiest band in music history but also one that's highly regarded and accomplished and been reasonably successful in a career lasting thirty years and more. I like the idea of them but ...

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Stop Buying Stuff

It was of course inevitable that this would find me, it found me a few weeks ago as an early possible victim. No more does anyone have to look for something. No more head scratching and angst over what you might like. What you might want just lands into your head via your phone like some random pigeon onto your chimney. But it's not actually some chance happening is it? The internet knows fine well that I saw Pink Floyd a lifetime ago when their live set was basically all of DSOTM, Echos and One of These Days. I have a happy memory there that's been sold on.

Despite not ever buying any Floyd stuff on Amazon it heard in my jagged thoughts that "Meddle" remains my favorite PF album. The one before everything went brilliantly mad and then fell apart nastily and now that there is no god anymore, my own inner spark has sold my past life to the internet where all flickering things are visible to the omnipresent purchasing algorithms. So this beefed up, tarted up version of the Pompeii event including "Echos" is dangled before me like psychedelic carrot. Repackaged and spun into a golden and optimistic thread that I might hold briefly between my fingers. All this music is something I'm obviously familiar with but I neither need it nor want it, even in this new sugary pack. I'm not buying anymore stuff. So I tell myself.

Also I don't like the bit where Dave Gilmour puts his black Strat down onto the hot dusty ground and fiddles with it either. I'd never have done that to a guitar. That's a fast forward moment if ever there was one.

OK, moving onto Marillion then ...

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The Industrial Music of the Spray Can

A short extract from the first draft of my thesis: Graffiti ruins but also enhances with the sounds of creation. Audible art.

Dreary walls, city places, bus shelters and alleys. Stairways and underpasses. A concrete and brick canvas. So called "new towns". It can't be brought under control or tamed. People will still try. You can always tell. Ironmongery set up in the mind for a personal prison. The brutal, scabby environment haunts you still, it's a common experience. 

What does it all mean? Water colours in the rain and territorial markings. Scrawl and protest. Stencils if you care to be consistent. Make your mark.

"Don't bring that messy message back down here again," said the angry community hygiene worker. "Somebody has to pay for all that." They certainly do.

Music? The spray can produces a variety of distinct sounds, including:

  • Pressurized Hiss: The continuous release of aerosol resembles steam vents and compressed air, akin to industrial soundscapes.
  • Rhythmic Bursts: Quick, percussive sprays create patterns reminiscent of drum machines and mechanical beats.
  • Metallic Shaking: The internal ball bearing, or "rattle," inside the can generates a rhythmic, percussive effect when shaken, evoking industrial clanks and rattles.

These elements make the spray can an organic component of industrial music, capable of being integrated into compositions as both a rhythmic and textural element. Maybe not so easy.

Sunday, March 09, 2025

All That Jazz

Some "kind of blue" tinged photos of Colin Steele's Kings of Swing playing live in the Priory Church at South Queensferry. A gig put on by what I believe to be a new local promoter, Lighthouse Sounds. The small venue was pretty full up and bustling with eager dancers and jazz/swing fans of all ages. As I've not really been initiated into this new/old school of music it was an interesting and fun experience. These guys are top class and can really play and it was great to hear mostly unamplified instruments belting out their interpretations of some classic jazz pieces in the ancient, stony building. 

Some songs I knew a little, others I'd not really heard before as I've not sat down peacefully and listened to this type of music in a live setting such as this. As the conventions and language of real jazz being mostly unfamiliar to me I wasn't sure what to expect, but the numerous solos, the extended versions and the relaxed and confident delivery were all executed in a highly professional and entertaining manner. It was a really good night out. 

Below: this is the inside of the buildings's roof and the crazy church ceiling.

Saturday, March 08, 2025

Beaver Town

BBC image.

In a move echoing the Highland Clearances a community of Scottish beavers have been re-homed in Dorset. They have left their beloved hills, glens and Celtic social chaos forever and now reside in the sunny uplands of the Brexit Free State itself. The text says that they were somehow set free, but what is it all about? "Freedom" they cry from deepest Dorset as the timber loving refugees try to chew on hearts of stubborn oak and lead a new life amid strange accents and primitive customs. 

Freedom is an elusive thing that means different things to different people and to different beavers. The "F" word that successive UK governments have debased, mocked and made sterile. I just hope they can settle in and pave the way for the next part of the Scotland to England wildlife export program: carnivorous haggis and wild boars followed by packs of wolves, all high on cooncil-cocaine from the Methil Science Centre. At least they may avoid the coming Central Scotland ice-age. At that point it'll be renamed Narnia and rebranded as a frozen theme park.

Just a quick pointer to the good people of Dorset; prepared properly beaver does taste a lot like chicken.

Friday, March 07, 2025

Remind Me In Seven Days

I once made some noise with this but now I'm an Orange devotee. eBay owes me money* but just to put that into perspective how much do I really owe to so many people and/or institutions out there? My footprints and fingerprints and DNA are all over the place. Tangled up in glue. The answer is probably a significant number but that same answer is blowing in the wind, or "blowing in the mind" as I might have put when a scatty teenager. I'm forever indebted to you all.

*Why when you buy something on the eBay do they take your money right away but when you sell something on eBay you have to wait a week or more for that money to come to you? Of course I already know the answer but I just needed to vent a little...

Just giving this another outing. Everyone should have some understanding of how this applies to 
almost everyone sometime during the course of their life, or so I suppose.

Thursday, March 06, 2025

Three Cats, Two Dogs

I think I'm right in saying that there are currently six cats and seven dogs in the wider family. Obviously not all pictured here. Whilst having pets can sometimes stretch your sanity to the limit it can also somehow hold it all firmly in place when other things or events become disturbing or your personal peace or ability to concentrate is threatened. The constructive therapy and comfort that connecting with animal pals can provide is very effective, sometimes bumpy but ultimately always rewarding. 

I'm not sure if I've ever seen Mr Donny Trump interacting with any animals but if he did I'd like to think that they would immediately detect him as a hostile and unpleasant threat and so might bite his arse or at the very least piss on his shoes. It's a pity that a large chunk of American voters seem to lack that basic instinct of being able to spot someone who's "not quite right", as might be said here in Scotty Land. It does strike me that often the BBC (and other media) can't quite spot the bad apples in their (tedious) galaxy of stars and commentators either.

Perhaps it's a survival skill that's slowly been bred out of us to the extent that we just roll over and accept whatever multilayered shit is coming down. I could probably create a list of people currently influencing and controlling events here and there at all levels, all of whom might well be considered as "not quite right" or just plain dangerous. I could but who needs another list and I don't want to be sued or become a mini list making despot. Stop making idiots famous - that's all. Trust your instincts and avoid the crazies. 

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Separate Lives

Here's a handy one page missive on the theory of parallel universes, also known as the multiverse theory and hammed up in various Marvel movies. The theory that suggests that there could be multiple or even infinite universes existing alongside our own. These universes may have different physical laws, alternate histories, or variations of our own reality. Some key interpretations include:

  1. Quantum Many-Worlds Interpretation – Proposed by Hugh Everett, this suggests that every quantum event spawns multiple branching realities where different outcomes occur.
  2. Cosmic Inflation Theory – Some cosmologists propose that rapid expansion after the Big Bang could have created "bubble universes" with different physical properties.
  3. String Theory & Extra Dimensions – String theory suggests extra spatial dimensions, potentially leading to parallel worlds interacting through quantum effects.
  4. Brane* Theory – In some versions of string theory, our universe is a 3D "brane" floating in a higher-dimensional space where other branes (universes) could exist nearby.

While the concept is popular in science fiction, there is no direct evidence yet, and it remains only a theoretical possibility in modern physics. But check your own experiences, sometimes life plays little tricks on you ...

*Not a misspelling of brain either.

Guilty Pleasures?

The Goober is back. I found a jar in Lidl in Bo'ness (form an orderly queue please) so I'm off the wagon for as long as this one lasts. I think if I go back to the shop there will be none. If you know you know. Self control or at least the illusion of it, has to be maintained. I have a thirty year history with this occasional American based addiction and I'm not sorry, ashamed or repentant in any way. Now if you'll excuse me I've got to do some cat shepherding.

Saturday, March 01, 2025

Sidlemass of Horsewillow


Diary of an imaginary project: Day 1.

The importance of working on work cannot be overstated, a strong ethic. Working on work for a new fantasy epic novel/musical kind of piece of work thingy is the intention. The working title is "Sidlemass of Horsewillow" I think that that tells you all you really need to know about the WORK and the whole pastiche basis of the plan and project. I may just transfer it all into some lengthy middle ages poetry style of an ancient language tapestry, either that or turn it into an opera based around the version of the tale that the monks of Lindisfarne gift shop allegedly wrote during the dark ages or the slightly graying ages as they've come to be known. Vikings over the horizon. Skeletons of dragons. Dim magic memories from the dawn of time. Red wine and crusty bread. Proper records were never kept so there's options.

There is a plot, a story board/arc and some sub-plots, I think. It's a bit vague at the moment. There will be information population. Some concept art. Twists and cliches. It's only home made music.

I could also gather together some elite progressive rock musicians and allow them to turn it into an acid fusion double CD and a triple vinyl album with an alternative sleeve worked up by some fantasy comic artist type (we'll be using traditional digital instrumentation, flutes, voices, long arguments and lengthy sleeve notes). Then a spoken word section over an ambient piece using tabla, wah wah and orchestrated umbrellas. Yeah. It's a lot of effort for what? Be big in Japan and Scandinavia. Soon. I'm planning an even more imaginary podcast and a crowd funding strategy.

Had to get it "out there".

1. The aching of the churn.
2. Sidlemass Morn.
3. Leaving the refuge.
4. Special to me.
5. Honey on my fingertips.
6. Long road home (Church of the Third Sphere).
7. All downhill to Horsewillow.
8. A prize and a trophy.
9. No reflection.
10. Broken flowers.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Being Human

Actual photographic proof that, on a good day, eBay is a reasonably safe space/place in which to spend small amounts of money on things that you don't really need but somehow still need to own*. Showing restraint is of course admirable but to be honest it's not much fun either. Humans are fallible. I'm not advocating gambling here but when the rogue meteor is about to hit Central Scotland in a few years time, amongst other things I'll most likely be reflecting on my lifetime of rash behaviour at certain key moments, my questionable and impulsive decisions and of course all that good advice I just didn't take. Then I'll collect a few essentials and start travelling in some random direction as quickly as possible.

This heavy piece of curated timber (via a mean, moody, hot and nasty pic) did not arrive due to the delights of eBay though.

*Selling on eBay? Not so sure about that.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Editorial Excess

 "I deleted a great swathe of my writings because no matter how much I teased and titillated them they were never going to amount to much; neither clever enough, interesting or properly funny. They had no place and no place would ever emerge that might be suitable for them. I prepared to sentence them and then perform the execution. They met their deserved fate in the recycle bin. I thought, why did I come all the way up to Oxford to be doing this?"

Codpiece Dripping from "Proper Poetry for Punks".

"I write from the gut, mostly. The head part is what provides the structure. The gut powers the piece with feelings and depth, but being a 'gut thing' any questioning of it's ways or motives is tough and always vigorously resisted. It's never rational or even sensible and that has resulted in a lot of conflict in my process. Setting everything in balance can mean that composing and correcting a few paragraphs takes hours, sometimes days." 

Patricia MacAuley from "I Chose Disaster".

"Perhaps the first rule of wisdom is to develop enough self awareness so as to be a better editor of your own utterings and creations and to avoid inflicting that raw work onto some other unfortunate human. Of course AI can now contribute but increasingly I'm now more inclined to think of AI as at least sub-human. An uncomfortable thought I know but fairly logical in these times. We need to prepare ourselves. AI's status and power is something that I fully expect to change and develop quite quickly."

Bernard Smith-Ogilvie from "If Hemingway Was Still Alive."

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Wine From The Future

At a bit of a loose end the other day so I decided to do some time travelling. Ended up in 2099. Things weren't quite as bad as I'd expected (?), but I materialized in Italy for some wobbly techy reason (the Ryanair Firestick TT App maybe) and this bottle of wine* was all I could grab as a reasonably priced souvenir from the duty free. Perhaps I'll get more stuff to sample on the next visit. Italy was OK, not too crazy unlike the rest of Northern Europe which is struggling with a mini Ice Age. The Catholic Church seems to have died the death and been replaced by a sun worshiping / fine dining cult so a big improvement there. Nice, and slightly more sensible than following an invisible and indifferent God who favours Israel with it's aggressive, elitist land grabbing and complete disrespect for anybody with a foreskin. Turns out that Israel had gobbled up most of the Middle East by 2085.

I saw the iPhone 99 on an advertising screen, it's just a chip that you get injected into your wrist (whether you like it or not) and then there's the Tesla Anti Personnel Taser that's fitted into most people's spectacle or sunglasses frames and vehicles because that's a necessary thing for all approved citizens. There are no police now. Anti-gravity Nike Air shoes that actually allow you to hover are also quite popular but you do need to wear an approved MAGA safety helmet. The Mediterranean is now the "American Sea, No. 17" and the US Dollar is the only form of legal tender in the Western hemisphere and on Mars. Bitcoin's still the thing in Russia and the Far East. Oh and Jesus still hasn't returned yet. Don't blame him.

To be honest it was good to get back to 2025 where there still are a decent number of dodgy lines that we haven't quite crossed yet. However, look out anyone born after 2040. Your tubes will be cut. Can't say much about it all at the moment, as you know various strict rules apply in the time travel circles.

*2096 was quite a good year for the Italian Merlot grape harvest. Something to do with the cooler winds coming down from Scotland and Scandinavia along with the frost horizon changes. It's a complex matter. The engineered return of  Woolly Mammoths in those now far colder areas might have helped too. Something to do with the activity and impact from the larva that are found on the mammoth's dung piles. You just never know.

Monday, February 24, 2025


One day they'll only know us by our fossilized Skechers footprints, the trail of our dead fingernails, crushed energy drink cans and broken glass, the processed and compacted plastic waste that is the chilling evidence of our landfill site existence. Like hidden tombs from better worlds, scorched earth and smashed devastation, all to hide the buried remains scattered across the valley's of the fools, who once considered themselves kings. 

The petrified prehistoric turds ex-campervan B&Q buckets with a high KFC, Domino's Pizza and craft ale content giving a kind of immortality to their former owners - kings, with a small k, of the potholed roads.  Nothing noble will be found in this anonymous wreckage except the occasional aero industry designed black box. All completely covered by a thick layer of meteorite dust, ash and debris. What was it they were running from and why in those shoes?

Friday, February 21, 2025

Dunfermline Daily etc.

This showed up in my feed, don't know who to credit as I'd never seen it before. It's likely been taken around the mid 1970s and it shows Buffie's Brae in Dunfermline. From late 1977 I lived in one of the cottages on the right hand side of the street near the bottom of the hill. It was the first house I'd been involved in buying. It certainly had a few issues to say the least. It was very much a project but I failed to grasp the extent of the works at the time ... but it is still standing today.

The photo is taken from the railway bridge and the line ran along by the bottom of our garden. I still remember the sound and vibration of the trains passing. Now the bridge and the railway are gone and funnily enough so am I. The kitchen was an experimental self build, ahead of it's time due to upcycling, and it turned out to have a nice resonance about it for guitar sounds. I came up with the tune for this song in that kitchen around 1980 - words by Ali of course.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Eat Like A Peasant

Art Unmasked - inspired by random items, an occasional series of obscure observational pieces and articles: Oil on canvas by Monteverdi Claudio, 1863 - 1904. "Eat like a Peasant" caused a minor sensation in the political and artistic worlds when first exhibited during the legendary, epoch making Parisian spring of 1890. That's really about all I have to say on the matter, other than that over 100 years and two world wars later it is still a striking and moving piece of original work. Fiction can be fun.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Log On

The log delivery happened yesterday. I didn't even hear the truck pull up, next thing I see is a pallet of logs outside the house as flecks of feeble snow starts to gather and fall. A deep breath is taken as I consider my options. There are none other than just getting on with it. The task of putting the logs away is an old school workout; bend, pickup, carry, put away. Don't forget the gloves either. I've done a lot of physical labour in my life, I know I can do this.

I'll be sore for a short while afterwards but no doubt some other new pain will emerge thereafter and overtake whatever damage the logs did to me, but will I be able to do this when I'm pushing 80? Hmm. I pick up about ten logs in a trug and carry them to either of the log shelters and plonk them inside, and repeat. It takes me about an hour to get them all stacked and out of the weather. In the end I feel like Superman ... after a mild dose of green kryptonite.