Thursday, April 20, 2006

Lucky Cats

Check me out!

Another Tuesday

Comes around. Party leftovers form the basis of tea for Ali and I, the kids enjoy (and they do!) my usual pasta concoction, they also eat all the strawberries. The party leftovers leave me feeling a little queasy but I ignore the warning signs. I also eat a little too much Easter egg. The postman brings a cd with ten new mastered tracks of ours from Martin in Germany. A kind of sweaty and uncertain anticipation has arisen in me before its arrival and more so now it is hear. Will it sound like it sounds inside my head, will it be ok, and can I actually be objective enough? A scramble to convert the MP3s and Wavs to something listenable on our stereo. This is not helped by the late hour, episodes 7 –15 of “Lost series 2” arriving on DVD and various domestic issues bumping into one another. The songs however are all there:

I miss that boy – this is good and as I remember it.
Rainbow – good with a nice injected synthesised flute part.
Not pretty – had to listen a few times but I’m getting there.
Old enough – needs more guitar parts and I need some ideas.
Whispers – Jury out.
Tragedy queen – more MOR than I really expected but Siggi’s keyboard foundation is a welcome bonus.
White and red – see “old enough”.
Nobody Jones – probably just right.
Hunter – again quite different from what I thought we were playing but I think it will grow on me.
God bless the witch – needs some work but has a lot going for it.

The tracks all sound very bright and loud, something I didn’t quite expect. Now I need to develop and work on a few little fillers just to bridge some of these tracks and we need to cement set the whole thing into some kind of decent landscape. Looking at a 37 minute cd at the moment. Thank you Martin for another fine piece of work and a pretty quick turnaround.

Prepared and despatched two demo cds for the good people running the Knockengorroch Festival to consider, dates are in September and there are spaces in the programme somewhere. At the moment we are planning to bring along Mobil (Martin’s band from Germany), possibly sharing a stage and generally set to have a good time. One demo is a 3 track Mobil blues type taster; the other is impossible songs and features two of the above list and an older song. Just trying to mix old, new and song styles so we get a fair hearing, we are hoping for the best.

The to-do list in my head is not getting any shorter, it is not getting edited or refined and a log jam of things, ideas and general pulp is building up in there. I think I need to go outside for a while and water the plants.
A new arrival in the garden. “Woody” a brilliant looking woodpecker. Ali sent me an excited text about this itinerant wood butcher on Saturday when I was up in Macduff; I’ve now seen him (or her) three times, always acting unlike a woodpecker by dangling on the feeding “fatballs” pecking for all he’s worth. On a sad note I also saw a blind rabbit staggering around, not a good sign for the general health of the local rabbits who we still like and would encourage even if they eat our fresh new plants.

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