Photo by Andy Robbins.
I think that this simple photo is one of the best I have ever seen. It's also a fine work of art in my opinion and a statement. Everything about it, including the title that it's been given, is just about perfect. The sense of peace and conclusion conveyed is almost overwhelming along with what seems like the supernatural cleansing and preserving power of the cold and the frost. At the conclusion of any philosophical argument it all boils down to the moment that nature delivers and then removes. Something that's true for us all.
I came across this on X-Box Twitter where it was posted with no explanation or back story. You could study the photo and make up your own and that might cover a wide range of things, issues and circumstances, I don't know. There's a lot of rubbish out there on the socials but sometimes, as in this instance, I discovered a wee gem. If you don't get it, I don't mind, my taste is my own.
Poor wee beastie - comes to us all though...