Monday, August 19, 2024

Take Frequent Breaks

Rain stopped play in the mixed fortunes of the world of gardening. I'm sweaty and just a bit sore with stretching, ladder climbing and humping trugs of rubbish, vegetation and litter. Old age etc. A number of fairly angry ants had also run up my sleeve, no doubt with good reasons for doing this. My gloves are not thorn proof either so cutting out brier is fairly hazardous. There's mild pain but no blood. So time to stop and reflect over some Ikea chocolate and a coffee. Unfortunately I fell into a eBay trance and, thanks to a persistent ear worm, bought a cheap copy of MIJ. Not heard it in years. Will I be disappointed? Probably yes at first but invariably no in the longer term. How's your screwed up afternoon going? Yes I like to own actual physical product.

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