Sunday, November 12, 2023
The Persistence of Paper
Dr Who: Return From the Bin
Doctor Who is already lost in a world of AI and heritage based confusion, with over exposure and over blown attempts to remain relevant, as some might quite reasonably say. I know I don't watch it anymore, but I do like the breaking news story of BBC employees who, rather than throw away original 1960s Dr Who filmed episodes, took it upon themselves to save the precious classic TV series by taking them home and simply hoarding them rather than dump them in the bin as ordered. You have to wonder what the fuck was going on at the BBC in the 1960s, too mean to pay for storage space?
The hoarders must have known that a day of reckoning would come and lived in fear of it, as if criminals who'd committed a massive but unreported robbery. Now older and afraid of the establishment's retribution and presumed white hot wrath they are conflicted and as frozen in inaction as the films they possess.
Dear unemployed script writers everywhere, here's your new drama series (or at least a decent 60 minute playlet) to batter out of your greasy Mac-books. The punchline is that many, not all, of these almost mythical but rescued and now theoretically available episodes are pretty much artistic shit and completely unwatchable for any modern audience (but there may be a big market in the care home industry).
Saturday, November 11, 2023
Growing old in and around social media: One thing I notice is the slow degradation in the comments and postings of those "peripheral" friends we all have. Folks you met a couple of times along the way maybe (if at all) or through some second hand contact and they just stayed in the margins of that unreal slice of life. As they grow older and you observe but don't interact with their comments and output, there's often an gradual element of craziness that emerges.
Friday, November 10, 2023
Touched by the Hand of EVH
This Van Halen "stage played" Kramer is expected to go for $60k or so. Not my thing but it'll eventually hang on some Hard Rock Cafe or investment manager's wall I guess, awaiting the next auction and further projected profit. Hard to imagine what future music stars might auction; the phone it was all recorded on, a sticker covered Mac-book, used VIP vapes, the WhatsApp message tree where the lyrics were written or the passwords for the AI platform that composed the tune?
Wednesday, November 08, 2023
Desktop Daily Photos
The process of slowly delving into my recent screenshots and finding that not only are they pretty random but also pretty meaningless and inconsequential in their comings and goings. Like sparrows landing on a chimney pot. Proof that I don't really know what I'm doing at any given time as I fiddle on the web.
The shot above commemorates a mild eBay related spat I had with Yodel, or was it the Chinese Mafia? I'm unsure who was the real power player or solution in the problem. Some badly worded Chinese emails didn't help clarify the delivery, particularly as the item was supposed to be coming from London or thereabouts. It eventually arrived about a week late after suffering some jumpy teleportation problems back and forth at the "local depot". I gave them a 😕 review.
Peony Painting
Tuesday, November 07, 2023
Miners Undermine the UK
As Albert Einstein once famously said "fuck this shit". First it was the miners who undermined the UK and conveniently and at some personal cost brought coal up from the ground as they did it. Well Thatcher put paid to that idea with her economic miracles, now other "miracles" are planned most likely using AI. You can't undermine the UK, if you do you'll be labeled as an extremist. So that's the end of truth I suppose. The thing is, and I hate to point out the obvious, but the UK has been undermining itself for years and this undermining has noticeably accelerated during the Tories stupidly negative 13 years of power.
Hailed far and wide as a failed state, a political joke or just plain cruel, twisted and corrupt across the world the UK is simply a global embarrassment. In parallel with the Tories self destructive policies I have to admit that in my thoughts, but not generally in my actions, I too have undermined the UK and I quite enjoyed doing it. It's what happens when you feel voiceless and helpless and the (at times dim) national beacon of moral responsibility is finally stubbed out by those who claim to know better.
All I need do is reflect on any of the following: The legal system, the taxation and financial system, the education system, the class system, health, welfare, environment, industry, immigration, media and defence that have all been destroyed or changed beyond reasonable recognition in my own short lifetime. Even before that it was none too fine either as the UK writhed in the death throes of a delusional colonial power fix, overdosing on it's own vanity and bloody mindedness. The thing is - They Brought It All On Themselves (The Greedy Bastards). So who is an extremist these days? Probably every right thinking individual, just give me a few minutes and I'll compose a short but meaningful list.
As a person who tends to over extrapolate in all directions from a single point I wondered if doing something like criticizing Morecambe and Wise, World Cup 66, Yorkshire Puddings, Christmas or even the Beatles might now count as undermining the UK in some way. I'm already braced for the impact. Those over inflated British institutions that were the bedrock of British life and sense of self, they're too revered and beloved to tolerate a subtle stabbing from the likes of me.
Yeah (yeah), rock stars with knighthoods don't really do it for me either. Anyway the "new" Beatles tune is OK but that's about all. I doubt it would've seen the light of day but for AI's influence and Peter Jackson's understandable fanboy enthusiasm. John Lennon is rendered to look pretty strange in the video, like some hairy Scouse Norman Wisdom on speed (as below). I've heard the song twice and I may well hum it in the shower one day. What's next after this? My arrest I'd imagine.
Monday, November 06, 2023
Smelly Cats
The cats are recovering from a weekend of mystery illness that looks a lot like random bouts of vomiting and runny and smelly poo episodes. Yes, three cats all with upset tummies, all slightly out of sync are a bit of a challenge even for experienced owners, by that I mean us. It's not so much a question of knowing what to do or not to do, it's more about vigilance and cleaning up at odd times of the day and night, that and a consistent approach to feeding, hygiene and general welfare.
They've all eaten normally this morning and taken on liquids, played around a bit and now and thankfully seem to have hit a rest and recovery point which we hope carries on to some peaceful resolution. They still can look decent in photos provided they actually stay put and don't go stir crazy, these restful looking shots were taken just as nap time was coming to a close ... and yes we're not always sure what we're feeding them.
Sunday, November 05, 2023
Don't Rate My Rig
Sunday ... Sunday: Pedal boards eh? Yeah don't bother with your ratings, it's a curious mixture and I'm not a cultural parrot either, more a sports car socialist. 50% decent 50% not so. That's a fair way to go, mixing the expendable with the tolerable and the chorus and modulation is on the amp(s) anyway. I doubt that this is fashionable either but that appeals to me obviously. The utility of decking, sticky Velcro and a few pins and clips. Every couple of weeks I just might take it apart. Other times in lives quietly in a blue holdall that holds it's own.
Thursday, November 02, 2023
South Queensferry Daily Lamp Post
I had to sneak around in the bushes to catch this lamp post unaware. To be honest it wasn't that difficult. The street lights around here are particularly slow witted, a bit like the Ents in LOTR. They've forgotten their purpose in life, their heritage and their abilities and are prone to sleeping on the job. They do still light up after dark, mostly. Some just emit a strange pale glow though. Perhaps the clocks going back at the weekend posed them a problem.
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Monday, October 30, 2023
Bored with the Sistine Chapel?
Boredom is banned these days, you can't be bored. Parents don't like their kids to be bored, whatever that means. Bored is bad and you're a neglectful and lazy parent if you tolerate it. So kids get phones, screens, trashy toys, shallow experiences and the rest because that's all better than the dreaded boredom. School, car journeys and relatives are also boring, so I'm told. Just wait till you get a job at Amazon or driving a bus or as a brain surgeon.
So what does anything in this have to do with the decorations, paintings and frescoes in the Sistine Chapel? Not much really, I just had a idle thought that perhaps the apprentices and assistants who worked on the project with Michelangelo and the other "name" artists just might have been bored from time to time. The routine and tedium in their daily working life, fetching, carrying, cleaning, filling in spaces with washes of paint, mixing the fresh plaster etc. as the years of decorative work passed by, and yet to their credit they were involved in something that is regarded as one of the greatest artistic accomplishments in human civilization.
Saturday, October 28, 2023
Future Obsessions
The ages of man: I've no idea how I'll turn out. Like some stodgy pudding perhaps. My future self is a dim shadow, even at this magnificent (by Middle Ages standards) age. A future I can neither see or touch, lurking around some awkward corner. Things may remain as they are, things may change, some other outcomes are equally possible. Medical advancements, spiritual progress, economic revolution, well organised government, chaos and disaster. There may be trends and curious predictions, like bad weather forecasts and shaky Tarot readings.
Friday, October 27, 2023
Yes: This is something that should be standard in every modern home regardless of the type of heating system and fuel used (well it must support radiators I suppose). The food warming, sock drying, plate heating, cat snoozing radiator is what the world needs today. Whatever you might think of the Victorians, and they did get a lot of things wrong, they were spot on with this. If you disagree, as is your right, you're a fine example of an idiot. I hope you have damp, clammy socks.
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Cat in Gig Bag
The world often seems like a terrible place. I know I mention that sort of thing from time to time. There are pleasant distractions that we all need to treasure to survive, to understand our lives and the context of the situations that we inhabit day by day. The pleasant, simple experiences of our lives are to be savoured and remembered as a baseline when those darker clouds descend. Anyway here's our cat Bungle, whom I've just disturbed, she was having a sneaky snooze in a gig bag.
P.S. Here's another cat (Georgie) in a guitar case shortly afterwards.
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Castles of Porridge
File under Myths and Legends: Given it's robust texture and inherent physical strength I'm surprised that Scottish engineers have never managed to successfully develop porridge as a usable building material. My sources have however confirmed that in Victorian times a team from Edinburgh University looked into it's use as a medium to build cheap workers homes at the new Naval Base at nearby Rosyth. Tests were carried out but there were "complications". Allegedly some locals entered the site and ate parts of critical load bearing units, a number of serious injuries as well as digestive problems were reported at the time.
This apparent failure may yet have led on to the rumoured experimental Forth Railway Crossing project that was to combine iron, steel and porridge in what would have been an engineering world's first (pretty exceptional anyway). Little is known about how far the testing and design works got before the plan was shelved due to what were described at the time as "conflicts of ideology" within the team. Clearly the times and the science were not right for such an undertaking.
I also believe that in the 1950s there was a proposal from a cartel of Fife landowners and farmers that the new Scottish motorway system should use porridge as an experimental road finish. They undertook to supply the oats and the know how. There are no records as to how this venture ended however there are known to be stretches of the A90 that are still thought of as legacy porridge surface testing areas by BEAR Scotland.
Of course there's the long standing legend that tells of how William Wallace, had he survived English captivity, intended to build a massive porridge castle on the banks of Loch Lomond to hold the proposed garrison that would have protected the "Road to the Isles". It would also have formed his military HQ and be the seat of his Scottish Government. We can only speculate as to the porridge formula he intended to use, as the recipe and the exact strain of wild oats has been lost due the passage of time and the general illiteracy of the engineers in the 13th century.
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Who doesn't love a nice bit of well balanced exceptionalism? It's a very unhealthy characteristic that the British people have been hung up on for a little too long. It's not exclusive to the Brits either, plenty of other nations, tribes, ideologies and families suffer from it. A common human problem. Yes, it's the cancerous, deluded and incestuous blind spot of exceptionalism. Baseless and incompetent exceptionalism I should say. When you just can't deliver. Ever.
I was thinking about the HS2 debacle, a fine example of a country actually over reaching in trying to resolve an infrastructure problem by simply throwing money and grand designs at it. Maybe we don't need really fast trains like the Japanese, maybe we just need safe, clean, reliable and well run trains that actually get to their destinations. I'm pretty sure most people would also settle for a railway system that had reasonably priced fares and comfortable rolling stock and systems manned by professional and competent staff.
During Covid the idiot PM bragged about the UK having a "world beating track and trace system". As if, at that time being a world leader in that was important. We just wanted something that actually worked; it was of course never delivered. "World beating" trades deals were bound to follow on from Brexit they said. We've seen nothing like that nor any of the exceptional and five star outcomes that were promised by those bubble headed liars. But enough people bought into that nonsense, the undeliverable promises of privileged clowns who don't actually understand how anything (other than self promotion) works in the real world.
So spare us from the overblown and exceptional. Just gives us things that work. Fix the roads and railways to a reasonable standard, invest in teachers and education, build decent homes, make the legal system fair for all, give people the chance of healthy lifestyles and support the NHS, sort out corporate fraud and fix pensions and benefits, make efforts to curtail environmental damage and look after critical infrastructure, try to help the people who need it, wherever they come from.
Don't act as if you're still at primary school and have to brag about the size of your father's business or your trust fund's resilience. Don't try to have the biggest boat, weapons, ceremonial swords and royal family gatherings. Don't try to piss further than the USA, China or Russia; clearly that wont end well. Don't mock nations that are growing and struggling to resolve their own internal problems. Don't strut like Mussolini was your drunk uncle, believing God's always on your side somehow. Just don't be dickheads. Be competent and do ordinary things to the required standards.
Sorry, just another itchy thing I had to get out of my system.
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Our History According to AI
Gods Against Everyone Else
Save yourself a predictable read by quickly heading down below*: Whether they're real or imaginary it doesn't matter much, Gods mean trouble. If you believe they gave us life and breath or don't even know what you believe but you still follow them, then they will possess a power over you and strangely enough over me too, even though I know they are complete fabrications and nothing more. Your faith and it's outworking impacts on me and all the other nonbelievers or sceptics. The love, justice, advice, cruelty and retribution you imagine gods bring to our world affects everyone alike, because it's been high-jacked and institutionalized.
Friday, October 20, 2023
Random and unscripted images abound, tantalizing or maybe predicable and boring. Perhaps it's all unexpected as they crash together thanks to an accident or intentions in the system or the constraints of your screen and all your haphazard searching habits. The blind lead the even more blind.
The cosmic rain falls and the surprise pull of gravity that comes from Jupiter flexing his muscles just as my star was about to ascend. It all left me baffled. A knock on the door from a lost delivery driver or a wasp caught up in a spiders web just outside the kitchen window. Leaves thrown into a whirlpool of wind that gathers them and then scatters them across the autumn garden's battered public face. A sudden drop in temperature as something unknown and unseen enters a room you can never leave.
Closing your eyes in a warm cat nap and losing track of time and being unsure quite where you might be sitting when you awake. Looking into a cluttered cupboard but for what exactly? A distant burglar alarm, chain saw motors revving up in the woods, car doors slamming, a helicopter hovers ominously out of sight as crows cackle and argue in the Burger King car park. Finally after what seems like forever, the storm burns itself out.