Sunday, October 22, 2023

Gods Against Everyone Else

Save yourself a predictable read by quickly heading down below*: Whether they're real or imaginary it doesn't matter much, Gods mean trouble. If you believe they gave us life and breath or don't even know what you believe but you still follow them, then they will possess a power over you and strangely enough over me too, even though I know they are complete fabrications and nothing more. Your faith and it's outworking impacts on me and all the other nonbelievers or sceptics. The love, justice, advice, cruelty and retribution you imagine gods bring to our world affects everyone alike, because it's been high-jacked and institutionalized. 

Rulers, dictators  and governments use it to provide moral authority with all the worst consequences, in order to keep things tight and controlled. That's the insidious power of faith/imagination and wishful thinking. Mythical invisible zeros placed on heavenly thrones by ancient story tellers rule us all whether we like it or not. You know what happens to heretics so remain calm and don't disagree. That's all a bit of a bummer when you think about it ...

*Of course this is just another low key, aimless and pointless rant that will change nothing but in many ways it's like a kind of self administered vaccination I'm taking in order to at best allow me to deal with the world wide dumb-fuckery we encounter every day and also to simply render me numb and exhausted for a short period of time. Thank you.

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