Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Potato Roads

Still life with potatoes (in fact exclusively potatoes): These brave souls were dug up from a near watery grave after the weekend's downpours. Now they can dry out, washed and naked in the mild October breeze. One day they'll be baked, boiled, added to soup or meet some other common potato fate. This represents about third of the 2023 crop, the other third are gone, eaten. The other other third are in the ground. You can only have three other thirds at any given time.

It's quite hard to plan a menu around potatoes, if you're me. I prefer rice, noodles and pasta and we never make real home cooked chips. Those golden, wonderful chips from the past, hot, salty and tasty. That once staple food commodity that I presume nobody actually fries up in lard, chipped directly from solid potatoes, like in the old days. The days of chip pan fires, smelly kitchens and blackened pans that looked like they'd somehow survived Hiroshima. So the evolution of the domestic potato continues.

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