Sunday, August 04, 2024
Saturday, August 03, 2024
Gentleman Ben
I'm not sure if he was killed off or cancelled or just rebranded because of some (obvious to everyone else) global branding issue. I don't keep up with these things, the world moves in mysterious ways but clearly the steadfast Uncle Ben has been deleted in both name and image. For the detached and discombobulated consumer like me it's kind of sad as I thought he was OK and that he knew his rice etc. all in a purely fictitious way. I feel I'm treading on thin and sparkly razor sharp ice here.
What other advertising icons that we once knew, loved and misunderstood have met with a similar fate? The Milky Bar Kid, has he hung up his chocolate guns? Maybe the Michelin Man's gone flat too, and no I don't believe Britain should return to the values of the 1950s, hanging should come back, kids should learn tedious hymns in school or that at some golden point in time the British state was ever a just, honest and fairly run regime.
Friday, August 02, 2024
Green Harvest
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Gremlin Cat
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Noise Gate
The people salute the rule of the noise gate: A cheapish noise gate has been installed onto the pedal board*. A blunt instrument some might say or even a waste of space but how else do you tackle the hum? Like guitar god tinnitus it's a disease without a proper cure. So we're perpetually chasing the hum, finding the source and then exterminating it, we hope. This futile pursuit is all guitar player's common mission. There are lots of suggested solutions; shielding, extra shielding, shielding tape, shielding paint, copper tape, expensive leads, higher quality equipment, better pickups, pedal board layout and sequence, going deaf, doing nothing and just giving up altogether.
In truth you can only get so far because the hum will return as you increase the gain, treble, volume or add pedals and effects etc. I did think for a bit that humbuckers would buck the hum, strangely they don't really. A single P90 seems to work best for me at the moment; it's likely the universe will reverse the effect quickly and I'll be back with the full on hum. Rubber soled shoes might be the best next step, combined with a tinfoil hat and assorted wire cutters.
*This information is well over a week old but so what?
Monday, July 29, 2024
The Hessler Nowik Liminal Conundrum
What does it all mean? New album of original music and soundscapes from Cloudland Blue Quartet, hear it here. There's a lot going on in the process of creation and naming of this album that I just can't explain. Please click onto the Bandcamp link above and all (?) might be revealed or you may well still remain somewhat confused. It's a great title anyway and I had a small amount of input by coming up with the original artwork (somewhat modified for the final product).
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Live and Almost Dangerous
Friday, July 26, 2024
South Queensferry Daily Photo
Thursday, July 25, 2024
Mini George
Big George meets Mini George, his ceramic doppelganger. Mini George is not so active and demanding as his larger double and needs a lot less attention. George, the big one, should really have been called Steve, as in Steve McQueen. He is the great escape artist in our clutch of cats. Up and over hedges, fences, gates and then getting stuck in precarious spots apparently in need of urgent rescue ... then not.
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
How it Started
Monday, July 22, 2024
South Queensferry From Above
A bit of somebody's Queensferry garden viewed from above as HMS Queen Elizabeth sails by, somewhere over to the left where there is a significant body of water and available tug support. The sun is determined to mostly stay behind clouds at the moment hence the deep sense of gloom amongst the green. We've no control over this. Black and white cat detail added for scale and orientation.
Friday, July 19, 2024
Good Advice
Some framed up good advice found in a public place in a public space and I'm sure that it's been duly observed and taken seriously many times by now. Proper cows and dairy farm workers everywhere are of course eternally grateful. Somehow though the core message doesn't quite flow as was intended.
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Early Dawn of the Mushrooms
Monday, July 15, 2024
Friday, July 12, 2024
Cat Controls
Where did it all go wrong? Two thirds of the local cat population have decided that the kitchen work tops are an essential part of their territory if they happen to be chasing flies, or even just observing them at a safe distance. Clearly this cannot stand ... (in the immortal words of the Dude). In the morning I'll be sending them a strongly worded memo about the household's standards of behaviour and hygiene expected from felines.
Thursday, July 11, 2024
Fried Eggs Without Crinkly Bottoms
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Future Diaries
This strange message has just been released from the team of monitors monitoring the cult known as "Palace of Forever":
"I was unusually close to partaking in the red and green delights of the "all you might consider eating" salad bar when a mild but noticeable electrical current passed through me from an unknown source. Everything thereafter was blank except for the timely arrival of a rescue dog sniffing through the rubble. The weather has been somewhat unstable lately with alien activity reported and low cloud (Ground Level +3.5). Those may have been contributing factors."
"I'm quite confident that a good night's sleep at home in bed will repair any physical damage although my phone is reluctant to switch itself back on and the lawnmower seems to blocked up with milk chocolate. There's a peculiar odour in the air that I can't quite place. The sequence of highly destructive images (above) were freely taken from a door bell camera across the street that was somehow pointing in the wrong direction. I write this unsure of what to do when I awake tomorrow, as I imagine you may well be also, dear reader." - Message Ends.
Tuesday, July 09, 2024
Hosepipe at the End of the World
Here it is, not remote or far away but still beyond your reach. The single water pipe from which all of the H2O in the universe flows: and it's attached to a solitary tap which we control. Are we simply drunk with power? Yes, very much so, but however this goes, whatever the unintended consequences, let it be known that we mean no harm.