Wednesday, August 23, 2023



C A C G C E: Re-tuning a guitar is a fine way to both bamboozle and convince yourself your having some kind of self inflicted nervous breakdown. A major re-tune (as above) can be likened to driving a car without a steering wheel or possibly driving a car without any wheels at all. I'm sure it's good therapy for some obscure part of the brain that would never be exercised in any other way and that eventually a flood of bright, shiny endorphins will descend from heaven like some musical manna bread. 

Of course locks of precious hair may be torn out before anything like that happens as you think to yourself "why would anyone do this to themselves?" One easy remedy is to simply get a slide out and pootle about up and down the neck in a state of  blissful ignorance hoping a tune might emerge. Yes it's really about scattering that five pepper hot chili sauce onto your songwriting's arid wasteland expecting a beautiful flooding accident to occur, and it just might. It's also proof of how bad life long influencers Lowell George, Jimmy Page, Ry Cooder and Nick Drake turned out to be; in a good but perverted way. 

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