Tuesday, February 06, 2024
In Search of Kerning
Monday, February 05, 2024
Why me? For the first time in a while I'm almost excited about the release of new music that's fairly conventional and obviously made by some relatively older guys. OK it's really about the guitar playing of John Squire more than the Gallagher drone and his overplayed dumb attitude but I'll be giving it a robust listen come March 1st. Not on that golden vinyl over priced shit either but in it's purest form; the bright, spinning, whizzing laser read CD format. I'm old but not fully ready to be old school yet.
Meanwhile from the twitter poetry library:
Sunday, February 04, 2024
Perth and Kinross Daily Photo
"Something can't be truly representative of everything": Discuss and agree or disagree if you will using no more the 2000 words. You have two hours and thirty minutes to complete this task. 40 Points are on offer.
Saturday, February 03, 2024
Unspoken Truths
Some people can't go through a single day without thinking about the Romans (gods, roads, cement, sanitation etc.). Some others perhaps find that the Vikings (rape and pillage, tattoos, axes and long-ships) occupy their minds at times. Others will see a cow somewhere every day; in a roadside field, as a design on a milk carton, a bar of chocolate or maybe a label on a leather item. Perhaps every day you hear a Beatles song or there's some reference to them, a lyric, a photo or an item of iconic 60s fashion maybe. I understand that whilst I get some of these thoughts, mostly regarding the Romans, I also find that in any room I happen to enter where there are people I know, I always think about the elephant.
Friday, February 02, 2024
Today is the Day
From the Manchester Guardian: Today may be the day when, if the calculations are wrong, a rather large lump of E.T. rock biffs the earth. If the calculations are correct we're OK but if they are a bit fuzzy then it's going to be tough. That "if" is doing a lot of heavy lifting. I hope it wasn't just AI that checked the figures.
So perhaps no more anything for while then. No jury duty, no nice lunches, no self service petrol pumps, no beach holidays, no Dr Pepper cold from the fridge, no product placement. Also nobody reading this, but that's actually nothing to do with what the asteroid actually does.
Imagine if it missed us and just moves on through space and many light years later crashes into some small planet, right there in the creation zone's sweet spot, that's just forming and breeding primitive life as earth did billions of years ago.
Thursday, February 01, 2024
The Book of Screams Etc.
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
The Reluctant Juror's Day Off
A whale oil and deep pastel based study into human emotion and bigoted resolve painted in 1947 by the legendary American artist and hair stylist Hugo Einstein-Oppenheimer. The same Einstein-Oppenheimer who vanished into thin air at a champagne reception in a black and white New York gallery in a monochrome 1950. The painting was said to be the silent inspiration for a major Hollywood movie that has become a household name after winning various awards and honors for a load of trumped up actors and tedious film people. For many years this piece of work was considered to be lost but then one day it just sort of turned up somewhere and that was that so it was declared to be "found after all".
It's value has been set at a sum of money that so far has not been disclosed by whoever set it but it has been described as uninsurable by insurers. It was voted to be Cultural Item of the Year and an International Treasure in 1948 by the then Chinese and Mandalorian Governments. It is instantly recognizable by most intellectual types everywhere and has been used as a test piece. The artwork remains a stiff, solid but slightly vague and rubbery enigma for a variety of reasons that I'm unable to disclose due to personal ignorance and privacy issues. If you want to see it or download a copy then the best place to do so is here. There will be no charge at this time but then again you never know who's going to come after you.
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
I was checking our material on what's a fairly sluggish Apple Music account. Somewhere I rarely go. It's a mysterious on line place where you can stream or even buy music for a small fee. Incredible I know. I was then offered the chance to create a "promotional" tool so obviously I took it. Somehow I imagined that as it was Apple they might construct something wonderful with their vast resources, something slightly more sophisticated than the above MP4 file which does next to nothing. It doesn't even come with a sound clip or anything, other than you can add your own link to Apple Music as you see fit. I wonder what they are currently ploughing their profits into? Here's the link they didn't bother to add. (End of the low key rants for the time being).
Monday, January 29, 2024
Fundamental Facts for the Freak Bros.
Apart from Fat Freddy and of course Fat Freddy's Cat who I can both remember, I can't recall the names of the other two Freak Bros. Did the other two actually have names and why don't I know them? I could just do a Google but sometimes a spirited level of ignorance without the extra burden of holding onto unnecessary facts and snippets of useless information is the best way to be. If I was the spiritual or cod-philosophical type I might even say something along the lines of "but the scriptures tell us ... the longer you live the less you need to know" (unless it's guitar chords).
Sunday, January 28, 2024
Bite the Hand
Nothing new here: A common enough pastime around here is how we regularly bite the hand that doesn't actually bother feeding us, the music business. There's no money in music because it's all a one way traffic system in favour of everyone expect the musicians. Our music has been on various platforms for years and has some decent numbers, there have been plays and sparks of interest but never any real money. Now I'm just relaxed or maybe comatosed about making progress, just swim away in your own personal lane. Also, to all the Bot factories selling the 5000+ plays con trick; no sensible person's up for that but I admire your confidence.
In my experience and opinion the likes of Spotify does nothing to help promote or support the creation of music and really the platform offers little extra for the customer other than the music that it pushes. But what does the customer / consumer really want? I'd say Robo-pop, Rap and Hip-Hop if I'm being honest and I guess Spotify know that better than me otherwise they'd not be operating. They say that streaming is the way ... but it's not the best way forward for creators.
But look š it let me make up some free artwork ...
Friday, January 26, 2024
Educational Advice
Thursday, January 25, 2024
Extra Large
Amazon; forever on the Instagram push with odd and ridiculous suggestions. Other than caterers doing industrial sized portions of cheesy toast who would actually buy this? Perhaps you can power through on painting temporary henna tattoos with it or do over the garden fence? Suitable for intravenous drip feeding following a Pizza Hut salad overdose? Sauce junkies? Maybe it's now a greener alternative to motor oil? Four of your European Litres would certainly fill the average internal combustion engine though hardly lubricate it. I won't be shopping now, never, not enough of a need, no storage space or enthusiasm. Why am I even seeing this? (It has four and a half meaningless stars).
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Impydomps Revisited
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Edinburgh Daily Photo
A wet and windy January Monday, Edinburgh still looking pretty scruffy after all the end of year mayhem and activity. I have a sense that nobody really has any clear vision for what Edinburgh's (once) public spaces should be used. There are too many contradictions, pressures and little in the way of positive financial interventions. It's all a bit tired out. Perhaps a year of actually just doing nothing might help? Let the tourists eat cake.
Had a nice meal in what a food critic might describe as an "unpretentious" French restaurant while the weather tried to rage against brave, scurrying members of our civilisation trapped outside. Now we float in a sea of relative calm awaiting the next highly anticipated big wave. It has a name, they all do now. This of course is all perfectly normal for the time of year but these forecast methods of dynamic risk assessment rule over all our lives now so we remain duly warned and quietly obedient. Close your eyes and think of nowhere.
Monday, January 22, 2024
Arctic Zombie Viruses
Saturday, January 20, 2024
The Monkees - What Am I Doing?
Thursday, January 18, 2024
KIng Charles' Enlarged Prostate
From China Eventually
Going out with a whimper followed by a surgically reduced bang. So I could've had an all electric Chinese Volvo but you know I just thought that maybe that's too much too soon. Assuming the trade routes remain open, in a decade or so we'll only have Chinese cars on the roads so maybe best to stick to the second hand market and buy up the old European tubs before they fall apart and rust away. I think that's more ethical than adding to the (insert widely misunderstood issue here ...) by using up things that are already made and that have a chance of being recycled. Fossil fuels will either dry up or be unaffordable too, so the slow death of our old and unsustainable 20th century lifestyles will be complete. With that in mind I'll continue with Porsche tech till whenever. 77% of all Porsche cars ever made are still running. That's a good statistic. Welcome to my cosmic soup.
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Roll With It
This photo is not about the centre stage money box, which is looking empty as, quite naturally, we've now moved on to being a cashless, baseless and thoughtless society living in their* tacky idea of our dream. There will be no subversion here 'cos they can track every transaction. You're all very visible. No, this is about the sausage rolls. Those big fat ones that you only really see at farmer's markets and the like. Ok, I know that farmer's markets are not at all cool. They're a mystery product of our baffling times, odd fashion whims and a certain strain of privileged attitude.
Just more overpriced and average products masquerading as your ethical, clean and superior purchases driven down from the farm in a rusting VW van by somebody who may well be from farming stock or possibly a vagrant student needing money. Anyway these are sausage roll royalty in a whiny republic of dim witted mass murdering bakers. Pricey? Yes, usually about £3 a pop though cheaper if you buy in bulk. They are the business and the selections of flavours and ingredients are to die for. Death by sausage roll indeed.
*I'm never sure who "they" actually are and I can't be bothered to speculate.
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Fairy Light Solutions
Unsure as to how best protect your precious fairy lights from the claws of mischievous kittens? An easy life hack that resolves this matter once and for all is to simply place the lights into a switched off slow cooker, cover with the lid and hey presto your lights are safe and the kittens can get on with the more serious business of disposing of the Taiko drums, junior spider plants or maybe your collection of too thin to be useful plectrums.
Here they are killing time between dangerous missions by watching pigeons on YouTube, naturally.