Friday, December 23, 2016

Seasonal timbers

I can seldom resist the lure of bargain Eastern European sourced kiln dried hardwood logs, even during monsoon style rains and strong HGV threatening winds from Storm Barbara. These are the Mercedes Benz of logs or possibly the Stella Artois, something like that. Buying logs in the pouring rain is also a category #10 hazard for the terminally unfit man about town. Having said that there are only so many logs you can fit into a Mini Cooper's cramped load space but they certainly help with the traction control required whilst aquaplaning at high speed on one of Scotland's well cared for and manicured (?) motorways. Fortunately there was room leftover for a dead turkey and a dead chicken and some cow pies upon which we will feast in 2017. Things are a bit calmer's going to be a mild Christmas they say.

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