Tuesday, November 28, 2023


Based on an impulse married to a whim and mixed with pinch of desperation and a dash of "you know I don't really give a fuck what anyone thinks" we decided to do a different kind of version of Greensleeves (a while ago now). Some might say a completely over exposed, dead in the water, cliche ridden and uninspired folk song that every school child knows and that figures in the most basic of play in a day guitar and keyboard books isn't worth it, but aye, that one. 

I actually ended up doing a bit of research ... well keyboard warrior style and still went ahead with it anyway, digging deep of course. I was kind of thinking "what if the Byrds or Tom Petty or Jonny Marr did a version of this?" That might be a good idea. In the end the jangle, jingle and excessive reverb I imagined isn't really there but strangely enough something else is. It's a combination of a secret chord and Ali's rather pleasing doubled up vocals. That's about it. It's traditional folk music but not as you know it. We get all the money too.

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