Friday, November 24, 2023

Rude Index

 A quite satisfying photo poster for a photo exhibition in 1977.

Nothing to do with the pic above: I probably have to be careful quite how I put this but I was thinking about a certain snacking experience I recently had; munching salted peanuts. I've never liked inserting my fingers into packs of crisps or nuts or whatever. I don't like the moist salty substances and crumbs that end up covering my fingers. It only gets worse the further into the bag I reach. When it comes to peanuts, they're actually quite difficult to pick up with human fingers, we've not evolved very far in that direction. Nobody eats one peanut at a time either so I'm using my hand as a kind of shovel to get a decent amount of them into my mouth. Not a great look to achieve in public. Perhaps a tool is required.

I googled "peanut spoon" and realized that any spoon associated with peanuts is meant for peanut butter only so there's nothing specific. Eating peanuts with a spoon would likely be considered odd I suppose. There is a view on peanut etiquette that suggests you never eat more than two peanuts at a time, it's in the "Rude Index". They don't recommend using spoons either but you should place the empty shells into a dish. A normal dish I presume. I imagine there are a lot more peculiar things in the Rude Index but I'm not going to be going there. I don't want to know how rude or offensive my manners might be. I just want a better way of consuming peanuts. Then there's popcorn ...

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