Wednesday, November 15, 2023

When We Got Older

An old friend is featured in a film: When we got older we headed off in different directions. It turns out that this is a common experience, in other words it often happens and happens often. We move even if we stand still but that's all in the past now and the maps are lost. Everybody thinks, "I've never done good things, I never did bad things, I never did anything", or so it seems at times. We leave a trail and a legacy, all of us; but this is about the graphic scores, the artwork, delirious museums, Dundee, countless reflections and a whole lot more. An actual documentary. See/stream/download the film* here

Cats have no real ear for music. They often seem indifferent and a bit different. You try to tell them to listen up but do they even care?

This is happening in real time as opposed to some other kind of time. The quickness of the hand deceives the eye. There will be a full explanation.

Everything is open to interpretation. Everything can be spontaneous and can be improvised. I'm doing some of that right now.

Behold: The Graphic Score.

*These screen shots are all deliberately badly done by me, mainly for effect.

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