Wednesday, January 04, 2017
Don't worry it's normal
It's normal to worry, usually it's about things that are outside of our control. Things like health, far away and unstable countries, grinning MPs and meteorite strikes all tax the mind, eating away at happiness like some unopened Christmas gift that has a doubtful shape and feel. So unwanted reminder sessions in the school of hard knocks and the unexpected consequences of well meant actions are never too far away. They hang in the air like the smell of urine or dumb Americans praising the good works soon to be done by Trump via some badly constructed text message. Worry is a slow form of mind cancer that is best overcome by studying the blue skies, sipping the milk skin from over heated coffee or puzzling over musical scales and drum beats. Worry sinks without trace like a Russian sub or your bank balance on the 30th day, if you mask it with idle happiness and baseless optimism. It's all a puff of self indulgent mind wandering pollution corrected quickly by any unexpected positive jolt. There's one due at any minute.
Tuesday, January 03, 2017
Moon, Venus, Mars
Those of you watching the recent Sci-Fact series Mars on the History channel will be aware that there's a fictional planet called Mars not so far away from the Earth. Apparently a cartoon space craft can get there in about six months if the internationally sourced and ill-matched crew can stop arguing and avoid pulling the incorrect lever to the left of the steering wheel. Married couples, brooding scientists and do-gooders should also be avoided as passengers and would be colonists cause they just screw everything up. Venus, also nearby is best ignored as it's very hot and it's surface is covered in boiling vinegar according to the Roman star gazers. Anyway these places plus some large tide pulling moon or other are all visible to the naked eye or any reasonably priced phone in a single shot these days. It's all called celestial alignment and spells good omens for all aboard our troubled planet. Failure to observe these night time sights may bring you bad luck, boils or temporary blindness, bit of a lottery really. So don't shrink back from looking out of your window, simply pause the TV and social network inter-blethers and take in the blessed spectacle before we all get blown to pieces.
Monday, January 02, 2017
Slow start
For whatever reasons I've decided to allow 2017 to start at a much slower pace than previous years. This falls in line with Einstein's Theory of "the older you get the less fucks you give" about anything. It may well be that for me 2017 might not start at all or I might postpone it until 2018. If you think about it (?) time is only exists in your own head.
Saturday, December 31, 2016
End of the year show
A few hours from the end of 2016 here in time trapped, storm lashed, baffled old Scotland. Thanks to all the readers and robots (more robots than readers I guess), the good people of Alaska and Russia and god knows where for some odd statistics and sporadic support and to Google for free hosting. Frankly I'm glad 2016 is done but I've grave reservations and trembling anticipation over what 2017 may hold for us all. Signs are that I may not be able to cover future developments in any kind of clear or rational manner. This blog has been going a while, it probably will continue but I'm not so sure about life on Earth, as we know it.
Friday, December 30, 2016
Millennial Blues
Reflections shared on the second last day of the year 2016: I've just watched a video via Facebook that was (almost randomly) shared because somebody I don't know well decided they liked it. It may have been click bait but I watched it anyway. It lasted about 15 minutes and it went on about the problems that millennials (born around '84 and onwards) have with modern life i.e. interaction, ambition, expectation and working. It seems that phones, media and all the general shit that life casts up is too much, parents and parenting has been poor and corporations and employers have failed to understand. The result is a troubled, confused, joyless and unfulfilled generation. I'm not sure that squares with my view or experience but it was an interesting tirade to watch. Now I'm slightly confused. Have I missed something? Not picked up tell-tale signs? Been a dumb parent? I'm not exactly going to torture myself about this, it's all water under the bridge. Time was that thoughts and views like this could not be shared at all unless in some book nobody would read or from a street corner speaker. The times were not right. The technology not in place. Now we've got it, we're stuck with it and clearly we don't really know how to handle it and of course it (that is the technology) will quite simply destroy us. There, don't expect things to be a whole lot better in 2017 once the January 1st party is over.
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Wrong side of Christmas
Girl with cool plectrum. |
Aberdour light prison. |
Bags of light to take away. |
A curious mixture of fruit, vegetables, eggs and kitchenware. |
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Last Christmas
Probably the first and last Christmas for this little fellow. Pranged by a cat early on Christmas morning and deposited at my feet as a gift on the kitchen floor as I stuffed the turkey. A strange, paradoxical and sad ending.
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Beefheart lives on
As above: Not even sure what this really is, spotted in a pet store presumably for pets that need a healthy amount of Omega 3, which we all need anyway. The sight provoked memories of the good Captain, now long gone. Not sure if he'd be amused. Is there an animal simply called a Beef?
Another thing: If you happen to be feeding squirrels peanuts in order to fatten them up to eat them would you not be better just to forget the squirrels and simply eat the peanuts yourself? I'm wondering if this idea might have wider significance and possible applications.
Now back to the preparation of the vegetables...then running about.
Friday, December 23, 2016
Seasonal timbers
I can seldom resist the lure of bargain Eastern European sourced kiln dried hardwood logs, even during monsoon style rains and strong HGV threatening winds from Storm Barbara. These are the Mercedes Benz of logs or possibly the Stella Artois, something like that. Buying logs in the pouring rain is also a category #10 hazard for the terminally unfit man about town. Having said that there are only so many logs you can fit into a Mini Cooper's cramped load space but they certainly help with the traction control required whilst aquaplaning at high speed on one of Scotland's well cared for and manicured (?) motorways. Fortunately there was room leftover for a dead turkey and a dead chicken and some cow pies upon which we will feast in 2017. Things are a bit calmer's going to be a mild Christmas they say.
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Psychedelic fur
Things are looking bleak. The clouds are heavy, trees bare, sea grey, small stones hurtling past in the gale and gritty sand particles sweeping across the beach etc. etc. I predict a bleak Christmas and an overcast New Year, for the weather anyway.
Accidental psychedelic (cat) fur photo almost created without the use of any filtering, just pure daylight, excessive sunlight and a little spot of hail from a passing storm.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Politics 2016
How the Tories fix things (and what we put up with as being normal in the UK today). |
You might say it's a coward's way out but...politics, I can't stand them anymore. I need a break. In an ideal world they'd run quietly in the background, like central heating or air-con. Steady and reliable, maintaining a reasonable living environment, not too intrusive, not too peculiar. Safely ticking over and encouraging prosperity and looking after health and social needs and mankind responsibly. That's not the way it is (and never was), so despite on one level wanting to ignore Fife or Edinburgh Councils, UKIP, the US Trumpy Republicans, the Alt-Right and any Alt-Left that might occur and the horror show that is Westminster, we're stuck in a truly desperate and repetitive loop of bad behaviour, unplanned events and bullshit. Actually it's not a loop, it's a downward spiral...
Almost overnight a whole raft of politicians turned into grotesque torch bearers who would fit easily into any David Lynch movie and began grinning and making up unscripted lines for themselves. As if something had been added to the water and suddenly, like lost action figures they came to life via Twitter and invaded all available newscasts and screens with puerile and loaded comments and saying nothing remotely sensible. Fuckwits and toadies in the media added their own perverse oxygen and now everything is close to being on fire. So were told that we've only got what we deserve and what we voted for...I can't buy that. Humph! Last rant of 2016 all being well.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Selfish Portrait
Man checks his phone. Trapped in a hotel room reflection as if it was some mirrored coffin whilst awkwardly trying to operate an electronic device. Could be a practice pose for potential Egyptian upright mummification should the need ever arise. Holding out some magical artefact towards the hidden gods hoping for acceptance or appeasement for entry to a place in the world beyond, or just killing time in an idle fashion.
Monday, December 19, 2016
The universe
The universe remains out there. The universe is inside you. The universe is all around, floating monochrome M&Ms and neutral Maltesers, chocolate drops, polka dots and wooden pegs, dark matter and spacial mistakes. They say that's all it takes to worm your way out of a worm hole and become whole. We are all lost in this peg board universe, scrambling for peace and Christmas meaning will placing ourselves in sets and sub-sets. Dreaming. Meanwhile the others are scheming. Seeking to establish tiny British Values, dancing on the tip of a pinhead when we really have few if any clues as to who or where we even are.
Sunday, December 18, 2016
Random piece of graffiti art. |
Canal reflections. |
Colourful building. |
Festive decorations on a canal boat. |
Floating bear made out of water bottles. |
Breakfast eggs baked in tomato and bacon. |
Rodin's thinker, thinking still. |
Thursday, December 15, 2016
At the water's edge
OK whatever you do, don't attempt to try to understand this sign simply by reading it at high water. You need to wait a few hours and then the meaning and relevance, including the danger implied, can be easily understood. Who knew that the water would ever get up that far anyway?
In the distance Dundee shimmers and sparkles like some kind of fabled, emerald city. Except for the fact that it's not emerald or sparkly, more of a misty cold grey and it remains as the regular Dundee however poetically you might try to describe it.
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Sisters of the moon
There's something creepy about this time of year, close to the Solstice with the world on the brink and the temperature dropping. The moon watches us still, bloated and uncaring. An eerie, knowing glow in the sky, jealous of earth and colder than Hell. Black and white luminous magic reigns over us. I may have listened to too much Fleetwood Mac earlier in my life. I'd like to write more but there's a cat lying on my keyboard.
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
My actual handywork
You can spell handiwork with an i or a y but neither look correct. This guitar will never be quite right but there's something I like about it. It's a tight player, holds tune well, the action is a little higher than it should be and when played it feels like it's working against you a little but it also feels good. It's light, springy and has a limited range due to the two single coil lipstick pickups but it's a satisfying guitar to play. Anyway it's not up for sale yet so I don't really have to explain anything.
Monday, December 12, 2016
Monday before the next Monday
Monday: Everything is slow today, the weather, web, queue in the Post Office, thinking processes, toasters, kettles, tuning up, laundry, life in general. Perhaps my own expectations are set too fast, perhaps it's a Monday thing where you just can't get things out of the way quick enough because those things just don't really want to move.
Amazon: The truth about Amazon, yes it is a shit place to work but so is pretty much everywhere else. Work gets in the way of all the other things you really want to do and never pays enough, doesn't matter where you are. I've yet to meet a happy worker. So work sucks but it's the education system and staying trapped with an unplanned set of your fellow human beings in close proximity (in that potent working environment) that really screws you up.
Monday: Soon be over then it's some other day.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Not my actual handywork...
...more like the work of John Coltrane figuring out the structure of a Love Supreme. Recent demo recording efforts on my part have convinced me that I'm not fully capable of plotting or planning anything out properly and in detail. It's all inside my head, not the best place for storing ideas and then trying to execute whilst they form up into other ideas and conflict with either idle thoughts, hunger pangs or the drifting horizon that is the relentless intrusive daydream. All things that are the curse of concentration and focus and ultimately application. That's where it all goes wrong ... application. I do however intend to remain faithful to my current course of tablets.
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