£5, 100 metres, 100 years, 1000 years, 10cc, 11 plus, 16, 1797, 17th Century, 1955, 1960s, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1980, 200 years, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2049, 3D, 4 tracks, 40 years, 44, 48 years, 4th July, 4x4, 50, 60s, 62, 70s, 80s, 90, 911, 99%, 996, 9th April, A space odyssey, A985, AA, Aberdeen, abject failure, above, absolute, absurd, accident., accidents, acid, actions, actress, admin, Admiral, adult, advertisments, advice, affected, Africa, aftermath, age, ageing, AI, aimed lower, Air Kisses, airbrushed, aired, airport, airstrike, AL, Alan Partridge, Alaska, album, albums, Aldi, alert, Alexia, Ali, Aliens, alive, all seeing, all year, allan keys, alone, alpacas, alternatives, Amazon, ambient, Amelia, amen, America, Amey, amps, analogue man, ancient, android, angry, angst, Angus, animals, ankle, annual, anonymous, Anstruther, ants. leaves, anxiety, anymore, app, apple crumble, apple juice, apples, april, Arctic, arena, areoplanes, Argus, arrow, arse, art, Art Deco, art school, art shop, artisan, artist, artistic, arty, as seen, asian, ASMR, aspire, asteroid, astro turf, Atlantic, aubergine, auction, Audrey Hepburn, August, austerity, Austin 7, auto, autograph, autumn, avacado, avoid, awards, awful, awkward, axe, axis, Axl, Aztec, baby, back, bacon, bacon roll, bad, bad day, bag, balancing, ball, Ballard, ballet, banana, Bananarama Fran and Anna, bandage, bandcamp, Banff, bangers, bank card, bankrupt, banks, barbecue, barber, barcodes, barren, base, basement, bases, basket, Bath, battery, battles. 2019, BBC, BBC2, BBC4, BBC6, beach, Bear, Beard, beards, bearing, bears, beasts, Beatles, Beck, beef, beeps, beer, bees, Beetlejuice, beetroot, being idle, being tall, being watched. FBI, believe, below, Ben Nevis, benign, best group, better, better hearing, big, Big A, Big Bang, Big Heads, big money, big screen, bigger plan, bike, Bilbao, bingo, bins, bird, bird feeders, bird house, birds, birthday, biscuit, black, black and white, Black Friday, black hole, Bladerunner, Blair Witch, blame, bleak, blemish, bloated, blockage, blocked driveway, blog, blogging, blood, blood donor, BLT, blue, blue sky, blue tits, blue tooth, blues, BO, boat, Bob Dylan, bold, bollocks, bollox, bonfire, bonus, Boo, book, books, BOOM, bored, bot, bots, boulders, Bournes, bow, bowling, Box, break, breakdown, breakfast, breathe, breeding, Brewdog, Brexit, bricks, bridge, bridges, Bridget Bardot, brilliant, Britannia, British, Brits, broccoli, broken, Broons, bruise, Brunel, brush, BT, Bubble Tea, Buddha, Buddhist, budget, buffoons, build up, builders, building, buildings, bulk, bullet, bully, bunny, burger, burgers, burn, burned out, bus, bus pass, bushfire, business, business model, busy, butterflies, butterfly, button, buy, buying, C&W, cabbage, cactus, Cadbury, cafe, cafes, caffita, Caird Hall, cake, calm, Cambridge Analytica, cameras, Canada, canal, cancer, candidate, candles, cane, Canon, cans, car, car ferry, car wash, caravan, cards, care, career, careful, cargo, carry out, cars, cartoon, cartoon dog, cassettes, cat, cat cafe, cat chicken, cat face, cat flap, cat food, cat photo, catfood, cats, cauliflower, caves, CBQ, CD, Cds, celebs, central heating, Central Scotland, centre, chair, chance, change, chaos, chap, chapel, charger, charity, charlie, cheese, chemicals, cherries, chicken, childhood, children, chilli, chilly, chimney, Chinese, chips, chocolate, choice, chorus, Christ, Christmas, church, CIA, cider, cinema, citrus fruits, city, civilisation, Clapton, class, classic, cleaning, cleanse, clearing, clench, clever, cliff edge, climate, clingfilm, clocks, clocks go back, clouds, clunkers, clutter, coast, cocaine, cockletrees, Coconut, coconut oil, coconut water, code, codes, coffee, cognitive dissonance, cogs, Cohen, coins, cola, cold, Coldwar Steve, collage, collections, colony, Colorado, colors, colour, colours, comedy, comet, comic art, comics, comment, common sense, compliant, complicated, composition, compost, conceptual, confidence, conflict, confusion, connections, consequences, contemporary arts, content, contest, context, contradictions, control, conversations, cooking, cool, cooler, cops, cosplay, Costa, costs, cottage industry, couch, council, countdown, cover, Cowdenbeath, coy, crabs, crack, Crammond, Cranberries, crane, crayfish, crayons, crazy, creaking, cream cakes, creation, credit card, creepy, creme brulee, criminal, crisp, CRM, Croatia, Crombie, Crombie Point, crop, Crossing, crow, crowdfund, crowds, crows, cruel, cruise, CSN, Cubase, Culross, culture, Cumbernauld, cup holder, curds, curiosity, curse, cut, cyberman, cybermen, daffodils, daft, Daily Mail, Daily Pallet, daily photo, Daily Planet, Daily Spacecraft, Dalai Lama, Dalgety Bay, Dali, damage, damp, dance, dancing, Dang, dangerous, Danny Boyle, dark, Dark Age, darker, darkness, Das Boot, data, dates, David Hepworth, day, daylight, days, dead, deal, deals, death, decaf, decay, December, decluterring, deep, deer, deluded, Denmark, dennis hopper, dentist, depression, design, destination, destiny, devil, diamond dolls, die, diesel, diet, difference, digital, dill, dimensions, direction, dirty, Discovery, dishwasher, dislocation, Disney, ditch, DIY, django, djembe, doctor, documents, dodger, dog, dog walkers, dogfood, dogs, dogwalkers, doing nothing, dollars, Dolores, don't go, Donald Fagen, donuts, Doodle, doodles, doors, doorway, double, downloads, Dr Who, dragon, dram, drama, drawings, Dreamies, dreams, dress, drift, drink, drone, drowned town, drugs, drum, drum machine, drums, drunk, drunken, drunks, Dry, dry mouth, drywall, Dublin, duke, dull, Dunbar, Dundee, Dunfermline, Dunmore, dust cloud, DVLA, dwarf planet, dyno-rod, early morning, earth, east, East Neuk, Easter Eggs, Eastern, easy, Easy Rider, eat them, eaten, eBay, echo chamber, economy of scales, ECU, Eden, edge, Edinburgh, Edinburgh daily photo, education, effects, effort, eggs, Egypt, Einstein, Eire, Ekaterina, election, Electorate, electricity, elements, elsewhere, emails, embedded, emergency, emotions, empty, Ena Sharples, end, endings, endless evenings, enegry, energy, engineering, engines, England, english, enjoy life, enterprises, envy, EP, epiphany, episode, equations, equator, error, errors, escape, etc, eternal, eternal youth, Etsy, EU, Europe, Eurovision, evaporated, Eve, evening, everyday things, evil, evolution, exhaust, Exhibit, exhibition, existential, exits, expected, experiences, expiry, eye, fabric, Facebook, faces, fact, factory, fail, failure of components, fairy lights, fake, fake news, fakes, fall, family, fans, fantasy, far east, farewell, farm shop, farm shops, farmers, fashion, fast food, fat, fat guy, fat-berg, fate, faults, fear, fee, feeders, female vocals, feminist, fence, Fender, festival, fete, Fibonacci, fibre, fiction, field, fields, Fife, fifty, figs, film, films, finance, fine, fine art, fire, Fire and Fury, firelighters, fireworks, first world problems, Firth of Forth, fish, fishing, fit, Fitzcarraldo, fiveguys, fix, flakey, flares, flat earth, flat white, flavour, flawed, Fleabag, float, flowers, floyd rose, fluid, FM, food, foodbanks, footballs, footering, forgetful, formation, forms, Forth, Forth Bridges, forts, found, four days, fourths, foyer, fracking, fragile, France, Fraser Drummond, freak, free, freedom, freelance, freezer, freezer bags, freezing, French, French toast, frenzy, fresh, fresh breath, Freud, Friday, fried egg, friends, fright, fritter, frozen, fruit, frustration, FT, fuck all, fun, funeral, fungus, funky, funny, future, Future Islands, G spot, gables, gallery, Game of Thrones, gantry, Gap of Dunloe, garage, garden, garden centre, garden storm, Gary Numan, gate, geese, genius, genre, German, Germany, germs, Getty, Ghibli, ghost, ghosts, giant, giant. goose. crow, gibberish, gif, GIFs, giggles, giggling, Gimme Shelter, Ginger Baker, glare, Glasgow, glass, glasses, Glen Esk, Glenrothes, glitch, global, global warming, gloom, gloomy, glorious, glory days, glossy, gloves, glow, glowing, gluten, Glynis Johns, go, goat, goats, god, goddess, going out, gold, golden time, Goldfrapp, gone, good health, good old days, good weather, google, gorilla, GoT, Goth, government, graduation, graffiti, Grammys, grannies, grapes, graphic, graphs, grass, graves, gravity, graze, greasy spoon, Great Pumpkin, greed, greedy, Greek, green, green laser, green tea, grey, grizzly, Groot, groups, grout, grumble, guilt, guilty, guitar, guitar serial number, guitars, gulls, Gumtree, gunge, gunk, guns, gutter, gutters, GWR, hack, haggis, hair, haircut, hairy, Halley, hallowed, hammock, hands, hangovers, happiness, happy, harbour, Harbour Lane, Hardy, Harpo Marx, harvest, hats, hazy, head bumps, head injuries, headstone, health, heard, heart and soul, heat, heating, heaven, heavy, heavy metal, hedgehog, height, heights, hejira, helicopter, hell, Helleborus, help, Hemingway, Hendrix, herbal remedies, herbs, heritage, herring, Herzog, hi-vis, high tide, highland, hills, hip hop, hipster, hissy, history, Hitchens, hmm, hold back, holding list, holiday, Holloway, holy spirit, home, home grown, honest, honey, honking, hope, Hopetoun, Horn, horses, hospital, hot, hot dogs, Hot Rats, Hot weather, hotel, Hotspur, House, houses, hover, how i hate, Howson, huddle, human, humanity, humiliation, humour, hunger, hungry, hungry cat, Huxley, hypnosis, ice, ice wall, Iceland, icy, ideas, IKEA, image, images, immature, immune, implants, Impossible Planet, impossible songs, impossibles, impossiblesongs, imposters, IMS, IMS Bearing, in another world, incontinence, independence, Indian, indie, industrial, industry, INEOS, infusion, injury, injustice, ink, inlet pipe, insane, inside, inspiration, Instagram, instructions, interaction, internet, internet art, internet failure, interview, intrusive thoughts, iplayer, Ireland, iron, iron mask, ironic, ironwork, island, issues, IT, Italy, itchy, iTunes, ivy, J&MC, Jack Kirby, jacket, jam, Jamendo, jangle pop, January, Japan, jar, jazz, Jeanne Moreau, Jeremy, Jesus, jigsaw, Jimmy Reid, Jimny, job, jobs, John Bonham, John Cooper Clarke, John Farrell, John Misty, Jolene Lia, Joni, jonny cash, Jordan Peterson, judgement, judging, Jules Verne, June 8th, jungle, Jupiter, Jura, Karftwerk, karma, Keys, Kezia Dugdale, Kia, kids, Kiki, kill, Killarney, killing, kimchi, kindling, King Crimson, Kinks, kit kats, kitchen, kitten, kittens, Knausgaard, knee jerk, Knitted Bunny, Knockhill, knot, know, knowledge, Korea, Kraut, Kubrick, Kula Shaker, Kylo, Labels, Labour, Labrador, ladders, lambda, land, landscape, lap, Lapsang Souchong, laptop, last days, last week, late, launch, laundromat, Laurel, Laurie Lee, lazy, lazy. low input, leaders, League, leak, leather, leaves, lecture, Led Zeppelin, legend, Lego, lemmings, Leonardo, lesbian, lets make pearls, letter, lies, life, life cycle, light, lighthouse, like, Limekilns, limp, linen, Lionel Bart, list, listen, listeners, lists, litter, Liv, live, live streams, lives, living, lobster, local, Loch Leven, Loghnagar, logic, logistics, logs, Loki, London, long afternoons, long game, look, looked after, looking, looms, loss, lost, lost girls, lost souls, Lothians, lottery, lotus, love, low output, LPs, luck, lunar, lunatic, lunch, lyrics, M&S, M50, Mac, Macduff, machine, machine heads, machinery, machines, magic, magnet, make a difference, mamafubu, man, Man child, managers, mantra, maps, marathon, Mark E Smith, marketing, markets, Martin, Marvel, mask, massage, master, matchsticks, materials, maths, May, mayo, me, meal deal, meaning, meat, media, media centre, medical, meditation, melody, memory, men's health, meow, mermaid. 1948, mermaids, mess, messages, metal, meteorite, Methil, MI5, Miami, mice, microscopes, microwave, Midnight Cowboy, migrants, Miles Davis, milestone, Milo, mince and tatties, minced beef, mindful, Mini, minor planets, mint, Miranda, missing, misspelled, Mitchell, mixing, Miyazaki, moaning, mobile phone, MoD, modern, modern art, modern life, moist, moments, money, Monk, Monopoly, montage, months, moody, Moon, moon cake, moonpig, moral, moral problems, morning, morph, moss, moth, motorway, mouthwash, move on, movie, movie star, movies, MTB, mucky, mud, Muircot Farm shop, mum, murky, muscle, Muscle Shoals, museum, mushroom, music, musicians, musing, mystery, naked, names, Narcissism, Narnia, NASA, Nashville, nasty, Nat Geo, nature, naval, Navy, Nazi, near death, nearly deads, needy, neighbour, nerve, Nescafe, Netflix, nettles, never, new, new intuition, new skills, newly weds, news, NHS, nice, Nico, night, nightshift, NO, no bites, no danger, no help on line, no law, no sense, No6, Nobel Prize, nobody, nobody understands anything, Noddy, noise, nonsense, noodles, normal life, Norman Lamont, North, north sea, north wind, Norway, nostalgia, note, notes, nothing in particular, Nov 5th, nowhere, nozzle, nuclear, numbers, nut shell, NYC, OAPs, oatcakes, obligatory, oblivion, observatory, ocean, Ochils, october, odd, off-grid, offence, offering, officer, OGWT, oil, oil painting, oily, OK, old, old age, old ladies, old people, old school, Oliver, ominous, on line, on line banking, on the beach, online, Oor Wullie, ootb, op, operation, opinions, optical illusions, optical problem, options, orange, orange juice, orbital challenger, orchestra, Orchy, ordinary, OREOs, Osborne, out, out for a stroll, outbursts, outer space, outlaw, outlook, outside, outsider, outsourcing, Oval Office, over board, overhead, owl, oyster, Oz, PA, Page, pain, paint, pale waves, pallet, panic, panorama, pants, Park Road, Pars, part two, pas-asian, Passengers, passion, passports, password, past, pasties, patterns, Paul Maccartney, Paula, PC, peace, peace., peaceful, peaceful garden, peak 18, peanut butter, pebbles, pedal, Pence, penis, people, pepsodent, perception, perfect, performance, perplexed, perverse, petition, petrol, pets, PFI, pheasants, Phillip Dick, philosophical, phones, photo, photos, Pi Day, piano, Picasso, pick, pickle, pickup, picky, pictures, pieces, pier, pies, pig, pigs, pigs head, Pina Colada, pineapple, pink, Pink Floyd, piss, Pittenweem, placement, plain sight, plan, planets, planner, plant, plastic, Platterday, playing, Plaza, plectrums, plexi glass, plough, plum, Pluto, poached eggs, poem, poetry, poets, point, poison, Pol Arida, police, politicians, politics, pollution, pompous, pony, Ponyo, pool, pop, pop art, pop up, popular, Porsche, portrait, Portsmouth, Portugal, posh, post, post industrial, post its, post office, postal service, Poster, posters, posts, pots, poutine, poverty, power, power saving mode, powers, preach, precious, premadonna, premonition, prime contracts, printers, prison the bible, private sector, privilege, prize, problem, problems, proceed, process, product, products, progressive rock, project, prostate, psychic spies, pub, public transport, publicity, puffins, pulley, pumps, punch, puncture, pundits, puppy, purchases, purple, pussy, Putney, putting yourself down, Putty, puzzle, pyjama, pyramids, Queen, Queensferry, Queensferry Crossing, questions, queue, queues, quirky, quiz, rabbit, radio, rags, railway, rain, rainbow, rainbows, rainy, random, Rangers, rant, rap, Raquel Welch, rare, rash, reading, ready meals, reality, realms, reasonable, recording, records, recovery, recruitment, recycle, recycled, recycling, red, reflect, reflection, reflections, refugees, regulations, reindeer, relax, relaxant, religion, remembering, remix, repair, repeat, repeats, reset, resources, respite, responsibility, retail, rethink, retire, retired habits, review, revolution, rework, ribs, Ride, riffs, right, right wing, ring, riot, RIP, rip it up, ritual, river, River Forth, rivers, RN, road toll, roads, robbers, robots, rock, rock and roll, rock history, rocket, rocks, roll over, roller coaster, Rolling Stones, rolls, Romania, roof, roost, root beer, Rory, rosemary, roses, Rosyth, rotten, Roughboys, royal, royalties, rubbish, rude health, rugged, ruin, ruined, ruinous, rules, run down, run out, Russell brand, Russia, rust, Ryvita, Sabbath, sacred, sad, safari, safe pictures, safety, salad, salad days, sale, sale of the century, sales, salmon, saltire, salute, same pictures, Samsung, sand, sandals, sandwich, sane, Sangria, sanitation, sarcasm, sardines, Satan, satirical stuff, Saturday, saucers, scarf, Scarlet Page, scars, scary, schemes, school, school of art, sci-fi, science, scoff, Scotland, Scottish, Scottish Football, scrambled egg, screw up, script, sculptures, sea, searching, season, seasonal, seasons, Seaweed, second best, secret, see far, seeing the light, self destruction, self esteem, self help, selfies, selling, selling your soul, sentinel, SEPA, September, septic tank, serenity, serial killer, series, service, sessions, seven, seventies, sewage, sewing machines, sexists, shades, shadow, sharks, Sharpie, shaving, shed, sheep, shelter, Shetland, ship wrecks, ships, shit, shoes, shoot, shop, shopping, shops, short stories, short story, show business, shower, shrubs, shuffle, sick, side one, side two, Sideshow Bob, Sierra Madre, Siggi, sighting, sign, signs, silence, Simpsons, sinister, sitting r and r, six word story, sixties, skills, skin, Skippy, skull, sky, slam, Slash, Sleaford Mods, Sleep, sleeping cat, slenderman, Slow, slug, sluggish, smart phones, smash, smell, smile, smiling, smoke rings, smoking, snack, snap, snooze time, snow, snowdrops, SNP, so, soap opera, social, social media, socks, soft eject, Soft Machine, soft underbelly, software, solar power, Solomon, song, songwriters, sorority, sorry, soul, souls, soundcloud, soup, sour, south coast, South Queensferry, Soviet, space, space craft, space rock, space travel, spaghetti, Spain, spam, Spangles, Sparks, spectre, speech, speed, spiders, spillage, spinning, Spiral, Spirited Away, spiritual, SpongeBob, spoof, spooky, Spotify, spread, Spring, square eggs, squeamish, squint, squirm, squirrels, SSCPA, stainless steel, stairs, stairway, stand off, Stanley Kubrick, Star Wars, Star Wars Day, stars, starship, starship travel, start again, statement, station, statistics, statue, statues, status, staying put, stealth, steam, steel, Steely Dan, Stephens, steps, Steve, Steve Coogan, Stewed apples, STFU, sticks, still life, Stilton, Stirling, stitch up, Stockholm Syndrome, stone, stones, stop everything, store, storm, Stormy Daniels, story, stove, strange, strap line, Strat, straws, stray, stray cat, streaming, streets, stress, strings, stubborn, stuck in the middle, studio, stuff, stunt, stupid, Sturgeon, Stuttgart, subtitles, success, suet, sugar, summer, sun, sun rise, Sunday, Sunday morning, Sunday Post, sundry, sunny, sunny afternoon, sunset, sunset., sunshine, supercar, supplies, support, surf, surgery, surreal, survey, survive, SUV, Suzuki, swans, swearing, sweat, sweet, sweets, swings, switch, swoosh, sympathy, system, T Shirt, tables, Taboo, take away, talent, talking, tall buildings, tank, Tao, tapioca, Tasmania, taste, tasty, tat, tatty, tax, Tay, tea, tea. coffee, tech, technical, teenage, Teespring, teeth, telecaster, telephone, Tempo, ten years, Tesco, test, texture, thaw, the blues, the devil, the end, the fall, the light programme, the Maid of the Forth, the one, the past, the point, the Pope, The Ship Inn, The Shires, the void, theater, Theresa, Theresa May, thick, thin man, things, things in general, things mattered, thirds, this week, thorns, thoughts, three figures, Thursday, tide, Tigger, tight, tiles, tills, Tim Hortin, time, time.trees, tin, tinkering, tinnitus, tiny, tiny mind, titles, TLC, to do, toad, today, toes, toilet, toilet rolls, toilets, tomato, tomatoes, tomorrow, tone, Tonga, tons, Tony Blair, tool box, top deck, Tories, torture, Tory, Tory Party, Totes, touch screen, tough, tourists, town centre, town plans, toxic UK, toy mice, track, tractor, traffic, train, trap, trauma, travel, travelers, Travolta, Treadwell, Treasure, tree, trees, tremolo, trial, tribute bands, trickle, trim, trophy, trugs, Trump, truth, TSB, TShirt, Tuesday, tummy, tunes, tunnel, Turkish, TV, twaddle, tweets, twilight, Twink, Twitter, two, two sides, two types, typos, U-Boat, UFOs, ugh, ugh!, ugly buildings, UK, Ulster fry, underground, undergrowth, understand, unexpected outcomes, unexplained, unfair, unfunny, unicorn, universe, university challenge, unknown, unknown item, unnoticed, unseasonal, unseen, untidy, update, upgrade, upload, upside down, upstairs, upwards, urine, USA, Usher Hall, utopia, V, V Bombers, V&A, vacuum, van, VandA, vanity plates, vapour, Vatican City, vegan, vegans, vegetables, Velvet, Venus, vespers, vets, vibrato, victims, Victor, video, views, Viking, Vikings, village, villages, villians, vinyl, virgin, virtual, visit, voice, voices, volcano, voodoo, vote, W1A, waiting, walk, walkers, walking, wall, Walled garden, wallets, wallpaper, Walter Becker, war, Warhol, warm, warm milk, warm weather, warming, warmth, Warpaint, washed up, washing, wasps, waste, waste of time, watching, water, water bomb, water melon, waterfall, watering, Watford, wear and tear, weather, weather finance, web sharing, webs, wedding, wee blue car, weed, weeds, weight, weird sounds, welcome, well, Wendys, WEP, Wes Anderson, west, Westminster, wet, wetwall, whales, Whang, wheelie bin, wheels, whimsy, whisky, white, White House, white paint, white walkers, Whyte, wild, wild birds, wild flowers, wilderness, will, Will Self, wind, windfall, window, Windows, windows 10, windscreen, winners, winter, wisdom, wish list, Wishbone Ash, women, won, wonders, wood, wooden, woods, woolly, Word, words, work, workers, world, World Cup, worlds end, worm hole, wrap, write, writing, wrong, WW2, X, Yannis, Yardbirds, year, years, yellow, Yes, yesterday, yogurt, youngsters, youth, YouTube, z, zany, Zappa, zen, Zombie, zoom, zulu
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Monday, March 25, 2019
The Manual
The simple truth is that the Manual is not worth £87.50 as far as I'm concerned. Others will no doubt disagree. Maybe it's a bargain at that price, as a collectible perhaps; as an actual reference or self help book, I doubt it.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
The truth about OREOs
It's pretty simple really, all those crumbly, dunky, irritating biscuits that claim to be OREOs are in fact imposters, fakes, charlatans etc. The real, true and only 100% OREOs are those that are covered in chocolate thereby achieving the lofty status of an actual chocolate biscuit. Not sure why they are marketed as "enrobed", maybe the imposters should be marketed as "naked".
P.S. I can't make my mind up as to whether or not imposter should be impostor or imposter. I wish I'd never used the term.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Mysterious Ways
The elite moves in mysterious ways. In the week that Brexit has shown itself to be a full blown national humiliation. Where patronizing speeches by the PM have reverberated around the airwaves and where, in frustration and despair millions have logged onto a Government petition site to register their disapproval and where EU leaders have shown they can quickly and effectively meet up and decide on an issue far more quickly than their UK counterparts; where the fuck are we? If you feel powerless and ignored, even more than usual then where will the hope and the good sense actually come from? Westminster? Maybe, maybe eventually. But only after a cull of the political class and the toxic mess of party politics than ignores good sense, good ideas and truth. The current crop are mostly unfit to lead, rule or decide. We are politically bankrupt. I'm ashamed of May, Corbyn and the rest, an embarrassment. Hoping for the best, expecting the worst, not sure what we'll get. The feelings expressed in the #Revokearticle50March and the social media flurry going with it need to be taken seriously for a change. Can the elite cope with this?
Friday, March 22, 2019
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Hedgehog eating catfood
Here's an injured hedgehog that I rescued chomping away at some catfood (nice chomping noises included so turn up the sound). Now he's on the road to recovery and being cared for by the SSPCA.
Nuclear Option
Another precise piece of social commentary from the artist known as ColdWarSteve. |
So after thinking long and hard for at least two minutes on a drive home from St Andrews last night I came up with this idea. It may well already be out there but if so no one's dared to mention it publicly so far.
So the idea is that the SNP do a deal with Theresa May (and the rest of them) to grant her what may be crucial voting numbers to finalize her stupid Brexit deal. They will add their votes for the "deal" but only on condition that they get the following:
1. Clear approval to hold an independence referendum soon after Brexit.
2. Assuming there is a YES result then Scotland gains independence and the freedom to rejoin the EU shortly thereafter.*
3. Scotland negotiates cast iron guarantees (?) regarding our new independence/divorce deal on finance, industry, farming, oil and fishing rights, trade, defence etc.
The deal is to be 100% transparent, the EU will be fully aware and hopefully quickly approve of Scotland rejoining as an independent nation. Would such an idea ever be taken seriously by Westminster as a means to an end for both the Government and the SNP equally?
After that we can leave the remains of the UK to stew in their own Brexit-based juices or maybe even prosper without us, who knows?
*If the referendum vote goes ahead and returns a big fat NO then at least we've tried. It's either Bannockburn or Flodden so surely worth a pop.
What could possibly go wrong?
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Telly this week
Watching TV isn't a regular pastime anymore, there are only about three or four shows I'm likely to be watching these days (on any regular basis). That's not really to do with taste or quality, it's more that my appetite for TV and (doing) other things has changed for whatever reason. Anyway, what's on the box that's actually worth taking in?
This Time with Alan Partridge is both a hoot and downright awkward. This week's CPR with a sex toy and Alan's Irish Republican doppelganger were comedic gems. Both equally hilarious and excruciating, two words used by everybody to describe most of Steve Coogan's Frankenstein creation's misadventures. If I say much more I'll likely descend into some form of Partridge speak so that's it.
Shetland: God this is awful but compulsive. So bad in every department that it's nearly good. Filmed occasionally in Shetland but mostly in Ayrshire it's BBC's crime drama output at it's most ridiculous and economical. It's penny pinching art of a kind and it's a hymn to the power of CCTV clue gathering, Volvos and the 1000 yard stare set in the strangely small and incestuous world of a fictional Shetland. Islanders and locals must be embarrassed by this.
Fleabag: Strictly speaking Fleabag is not actual Cooncil TV as it's roots are in BBC3, a barren telly dumping ground where few viewers seem to stray, shame. It's very funny and irritating in a posh way, maybe too smug and too irreverent with the fourth wall collapsing with every one of Fleabag's winks and side eye glances. Now it's released out onto a wider network to the chattering classes to make what they will of it. The Gogglebox guys should feature it, lots of potential strong reactions. Funny how the best TV straddles the contradictions of the unbearable duplicity of a public and a private life where laughs are not enough nowadays, you need the added depths of tragedy and pathos to stretch comedy drama into a wider universe.
University Challenge: The older I get the more incomprehensible the questions become, the students become more annoying and stereotypical and Paxman more careless and impatient. I sit there hoping for the music and picture rounds knowing I've a half chance of landing on an answer with a wild, pathetic guess. Everything else, every other topic is just me waiting.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Spooky gate
Close up of the actual "skull". That's correct it definitely is one. Abandon hope all ye who enter here. You have been warned. (Close up totally spoiled things). |
Monday, March 18, 2019
There's the conflict
The department of "shows how much I actually know about anything": Veganism is an ism that is not so much a dietism but a philosophical ism that leads to a lifestyle ism. It's not just about food and vegetables and respecting animals it's about a whole (holistic) approach to living. I thought leather seats on cars, industrial farming methods and fur coats were the nadir. A quick Google might have saved me from ignorance some time ago but you know how hard it is to work Google these days. So one thing I now know is that some (maybe not all) vegans are against the keeping of pets ... for our pleasure and self gratification, pets = playthings. Now I know that the genie is out of the bottle on this one, there's no quick fix ... but pets. When I think of pets (other than crazy dog breeders, spider nuts and reptile keepers) I'm thinking of animal friends, companions, helping the lonely, illuminating childhoods and transfixing young minds as they learn and respect how animals are up close. That's not exploitation, that's a two way street. So I'm cool with pets. I'm also cool with protection from cruelty, securing wildlife habitat, the greater green issues and generally not fucking about with animals in a bad way. Trouble is some of them taste quite nice (just not the pets) but I'm open to persuasion. There's the conflict.
Sunday, March 17, 2019
Still life with cat
Captured: Cat even more reluctant than usual to venture out into the somewhat dodgy March weather. So he just sits still and looks out at it. Sometimes he's almost human, sometimes I'm almost cat, (apart from the diet, the litter tray use, the "self" cleaning, clawing at carpets, the outdoor life and various other cat peculiar things and actions).
We took his mum, also a cat, to the vets today for an MoT and oil change. She's very cool and compliant with the vet's noodling and prodding and responds well to the hair drier. Before we left for the vets ginger cat however ran and hid outside and refused to come back as he though his number was up. The rattle and hum of the cat carry case is enough to bring out the terrors in him. We lured him back in with patience and time, food and treats don't really do it, nor does any form of violence. His MoT comes up in July, please nobody tell him.
At the vets I noticed (handily displayed on an information poster) that 25 Grams of cooked chicken per day is for a cat the same as a human being eating two donuts per day i.e. not really healthy (Not sure if they are heavy duty Krispy-Kreme versions or shitty Tesco types either so the data is vague). The thing is mum cat eats about 120 Grams of chicken most days and at 13 years old is still pretty healthy and not over weight. What do we believe now; the informed and scientifically based poster or our own learned and arguably robust experience? Answers on a postcard please etc.
Saturday, March 16, 2019
Serial killer's basement
I used to think that the large black obelisk in Stanley Kubrick's 2001 was a darkened cinema screen, that being the popular explanation with those in the know. Now I think it's a mobile phone, a disproportionately smooth lump of black plastic and electronic trickery that somehow controls humans and, as in the movie, steps in at the most convenient time to register and signify a change. It marks each evolutionary step, usually with a plaintive notification "ting!" sound being heard nearby. Anyway, I'm suffering from new phone syndrome today. The new one, complete with an unpronounceable Chinese name is pictured above...a large black screen and as anonymous as modern life allows. Like some threatening friend it sits there, summoning up those psychic spies, with their 24 hour malevolent observations and note taking or just listening quietly, which is the more sinister option ... like it's brooding stablemate Alexia. Phones are the new bullies in the 'hood.
Perhaps it was boredom or desperation, I don't know but I stumbled from the rain into the phone shop yesterday, maybe in search of human contact and rather than go on line and do it with few "simple" clicks and comments, I began the phone contract renewal dialogue in real life. This was unprecedented and uncomfortable but speedy. Nothing was spectacular, all the phones look the same to the uninitiated but the shop guy knew their relative ages, capacities and weaknesses. He also knew which one he had to push this week to meet whatever sales target was looming. And so it was that my new phone and I came together, no romance, no love, just an cold sales option. Call me Mr Putty. I walked away with a 5p bag containing a gleaming phone in white box.
My old phone, two years, some minutes and few seconds since it arrived, isn't even a museum piece, nobody is interested anymore. It's been phone-cloned now by the deadly app, an empty husk, a cadaver, a still and lifeless zombie. It'll occupy some drawer bottom, feebly dream of a new life on eBay but ultimately will become a tech fossil. Like all the others, the connectors and the cables. Like in a forgotten serial killer's basement, the phones just keep arriving and then they die.
Other than that there was a minor flurry of snow this morning, so I leapt up to the window with Chinese phone, (it has two camera lenses set in tandem, on the front you know, to help improve depth and something else), so I took a picture.
Friday, March 15, 2019
No fried eggs
Odd and disturbing painting on display in the cafe (see below) toilet. |
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Washed up
On the wide and bottomless sea that is the internet many things are regularly tossed over board, washed away or set adrift with no clear plan, purpose or expected recovery. The random tides of fashion, search impulses and rogue algorithms reward and punish with no obvious pattern or concern. So I've discovered a small (?) stockpile of our music, about 90+ tracks amongst the flotsam and horrors of YouTube. Some of it is pretty good, some not so good, as you'd expect with anyone's harvested content, we were never too tight on quality control. Anyway it's out there, rudderless and probably less explored than Jamendo, iTunes or Spotify, our holy trinity of benign and distant (disinterested?) hosts. Dive in at your peril, a typical screen shot is up there as some sort of Exhibit A. M'Lud.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
There are few things in life more enjoyable that running over old blog posts and correcting spelling mistakes and typos. In other news today was a good day for grouting the floor tiles in the kitchen and pulling weeds and assorted crud from the drains and gutters. There is also the warm but scary feeling of releasing a bird that has been trapped in a chimney flue...
I don't really understand how they get themselves in there but so far at least three birds have been known to get in and thankfully get out. There may be others but we don't talk about them.
I am also avoiding any broadcasts from the UK Parliament. I can't stand the hooting and donkey braying that goes on as different levels of irritating and unfunny juvenile behaviours are exhibited by people who, rather than tackle the actual issues head on, insist on putting their party and career ideals first instead of considering common sense solutions and the good of the country. Whilst that seems to the default setting for most politicians it shouldn't be, not in my version of a sane world anyway.
I don't really understand how they get themselves in there but so far at least three birds have been known to get in and thankfully get out. There may be others but we don't talk about them.
I am also avoiding any broadcasts from the UK Parliament. I can't stand the hooting and donkey braying that goes on as different levels of irritating and unfunny juvenile behaviours are exhibited by people who, rather than tackle the actual issues head on, insist on putting their party and career ideals first instead of considering common sense solutions and the good of the country. Whilst that seems to the default setting for most politicians it shouldn't be, not in my version of a sane world anyway.
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Monday, March 11, 2019
Cat dinners
No.1 of an occasional series of looks, smirks and diving passes coupled with brave flights if fancy into what we're feeding to our cat prisoners. Mostly of course it's just cat food and the less said about that the better. From time to time they get cheap, cooked chicken that, like all pet foods, is fully fit for human consumption but doesn't look it. The cat dishes (shown above) have no name but consist of a mixture of dry, wet and that inexpensive chickeny stuff I mentioned. The portions above should feed two average house cats (ours do go outside but seldom eat what they actually kill) for about 26 hours. That's about it all really.
Angry Mob Required
A single, random photo montage that pretty much sums up a) the Daily Mail's dumb news* focus b) the general state of things. Forgive my slightly jaundiced and jaded view here, whilst I have numerous issues with the trio top left, some with the royal family (can't quite make my mind up exactly what), celeb culture (Ugh!) and I'm a long time GoT viewer (though not an authority), it's hard not to reflect on modern culture and think "this is rubbish really". We're wallowing in box sets, formulaic films and dramas, "balanced" productions of all things comedic and ongoing sanitized pop and background music that would stun a herd of lazy bulls. The irony is that in terms of health and relative wealth we (in the west) are living in the best of times despite the obvious political and economic race to the bottom going on around us. We are privileged and enabled beyond belief but seem to find it hard to do anything with it all. So doing the right thing is particularly hard, it's the lost art of the 21st century, only a few rare individuals can pull it off. They are there, out there, but are well hidden, by choice and deliberately not feature by any media provider. Here's my own angry mob, called up and chosen, it's the one I intend to set upon all non-believers.
*Nothing obviously Brexit here but it just runs along in the background like some lingering and highly unpleasant smell or an irritating and jarring piece of background music (to all our lives).
*Nothing obviously Brexit here but it just runs along in the background like some lingering and highly unpleasant smell or an irritating and jarring piece of background music (to all our lives).
Sunday, March 10, 2019
North East Daily Photo
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