Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Not following anyone

A great metal beast has been erected by brave men in some garden somewhere. It dwarfs houses, trees, walls, wildlife and undergrowth. It is larger than the shell itself but still, despite it's size and clunky grandeur remains strangely unseen. A bit like prog rock gods Yes, here's a top ten of sorts that sorts and sifts their greatest moments; I might disagree with a few actual placings and entrys.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Quiet Interlude

Saw this movie (WoWS) yesterday, I didn't ever understand the whole quiet interlude thing until now, a whole piece of drug culture in the 70s and 80s that thankfully passed me by. My excuse being that I wasn't into disco at all and I wasn't in New York. That's reasonable and on balance probably a very good thing.
So you have a ragged fingernail and you go to the bathroom to get the nail clippers to clip the nail but absentmindedly you clip the wrong nail and you turn and leave the bathroom and you realise that you now have two ragged fingernails so you go back into the bathroom and pick up the clippers and clip both nails to even them up and everything seems fine then you feel like your nose is blocked but you cant quite figure out which nostril it is but you blow your nose and though it feels better you just know that something's not right so you decide to clear your head once and for all so you sit down a read a bit on the web all about what George Orwell really thought of mass sporting events like football or the olympics and you think about that for a while and decide it's an astute set of observations and why did you not think of it before? but you didn't and now another fingernail feels ragged and your nose still feels a tad blocked up and you're no George Orwell either.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Easy to be wonderful

Catch up. While walking down here yesterday morning and taking arty photographs I met my old English teacher, I hadn't seen him for 42 years. How strange, and we both recognised each other, had a quick chat and then just  walked on...100 yards from our house.
Radio Days and Hell is Other People. In the Seventies folks used to say of Radio 1, "it's easy to be wonderful (as the jingle ran) when you're the only one." I fell out of any love I ever had for Radio 1 a long time ago and have spent thirty odd years in the wilderness hopping digital, FM and podcasted yesterday when on a three hour car journey with the kids I relented and listened to the weekend Chart Show. The surprising thing was that the music wasn't all bad and I quite enjoyed most of it and duly dumped a ton of my prejudice and had a nice time. I felt bad for missing most the the 80s, 90s and 00s and becoming a becalmed and stranded rock snob (this is all a bit exaggerated) and a general fashionista musical dullard. What I didn't like and what I realise is completely wrong in pretty much all available music radio are the useless DJs and presenters. Yesterday's vacuous Radio 1 woman had two words; incredible and amazing. These apply to everything it seems and are surgically pasted in with gushing and enthusiastic energy to each tune via some badly structured sentence or phrase. So it turns out I'm awake and aware and I quite like the modern world and modern music after all, it's the just people in it that get me.

Friday, February 07, 2014

Cat art

"Cat passing by". A new, modern, simple but provocatively original and primitive piece using the mediums of wet concrete and authentic aged timber; concrete strokes  applied randomly by the four paws of a passing cat. Suitable for wall hanging or horizontal display - 1.5m x 1m. Offers over £50000 please, buyer collects.

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Auld Grey Toun

I once got married here in the 1970s (in the building not the white van), as did my wife...but not to each other. 
I like the faded signs on buildings that illustrate some former life or use. Nice bend in the roof there.
Cafe Giacomo has not changed a bit since way back when, still does a good coffee. Now filled with OAPs who presumably dislike Starbucks and Costa and their clones.
A costlier than normal Thursday morning spent in a damp and characteristically grey Dunfy. First there was the timing belt replacement for the high milage Volvo (including a water pump and fresh water) a full on and impressive eye test at Specsavers*, a bacon roll and coffee and some random shopping experiences. I took the opportunity to snap a few of the fine sights on offer (?) amid the pound and charity shops, some of which are rendered and displayed above for no good reason other than to fill the otherwise empty blog canvas - that sums it all up really. I returned to work in the afternoon a sadder, wiser, happier, fitter and more rounded and properly eye-tested man, I think.

*Recommended - a good experience and a fine science lesson, no kidding.

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Burroughs at 100

Art: William Burroughs (a "profound cultural influence" some would have it and some would say) would have been 100 today had he not died. That's a common problem and it will become even more common as more writers and artists become famous and then die. Not enough heavy industry and manufacturing in the west so we've gone completely  to seed and just produce artists and thinkers these days, not actual useful stuff or machines more's the pity. Here's an odd interview from 1975 when the man who in his writing inadvertently named more rock bands than anybody else was still alive and pondering energy, music and other stuff.

Science: Mouthwash, Bonjela and Rennies are, when taken together a potent force in the extermination of mouth ulcers apparently. There is however little or no proper scientific research or actual evidence to support this. I may be blazing and lonely, sad but vital trail that will benefit all sufferers. A full report will be issued in due course.

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Other people's ideas

Ideas: One of those dull mornings driving past Stirling Castle when China Girl came on the radio. BAM! I immediately decided that it was the best and truest pop single of all time and that it deserved more recognition, then on came Don't Fear the Reaper so I gave up on that train of thought  (lingering on another Kevin Ayers music thing for seconds) - so straight back to the Radio Scotland debate on carers and metal detection. It's one of many random mind streams that come and go now that I'm no longer denying myself that pleasurable poison known as alcohol. The dry January flopped for me (or foppled as I nearly typed). I hoped to feel brand new and invigorated, filled with ideas, passion and clear and incisive thinking. None of that came close to happening. January was mostly an inspirational flat line of an experience. Beware good ideas, noble causes and other people's recommendations for how you should behave or live your life. Amen.

Facejacker: Facebook it 10 years old and I see by my time line and greatest hits and most liked posts options that I've been a slave to the blue beast for 7 long years (groan), where has my life gone? Next time just give up alcohol, caffeine, politics and Facebook snooping, and using fewer question marks.

Misadventures: Cats running across wet concrete and then into and around your house is not an early evening experience I'd wish on anybody. It did happen today and a frantic and busy period of  cleaning floors, couches and cats followed. Ugh.

Sunday, February 02, 2014

A cat looks out...

...on the apparent devastation taking place in her little and confused cat world. We in the wise and wonderful full colour human world see it slightly differently and more positively, as a means to a necessary end. It's tough explaining change to cats and other non-humans i.e. god, other divine beings (there may be many just watching), aliens or the all too clever weather. Here's a hot shot of the current constructive devastation.

Saturday, February 01, 2014

Wee Country

This deserves to go viral, nationwide and beyond. The best ear-worm yet from the mighty Tommy Mackay.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Hard life in Fife

True but sad: Taking a whizz at the local ASDA/TESCO/ALDI/MORRI - emporium, a guy a little older than me rocks at at the next urinal and moans, "ah son (?) this prostrate o' mine, I pee all the time and my mate's goat the same thing and canna' pee ataw. Five years ago I wuz diggin' gardens, now I can hardly walk." He turns and exits grunting a bit more and avoiding the hand wash. A true Fifer and no doubt one who has partaken of a little too much of the sugarelli water, Embassy Regal and late night deep fried pizza snacks. I cannot easily allow this behaviour to continue but it will (judging by contents of the baskets and trolleys at the checkout), so back to Fife Diet evangelism and normal hypocrite mode then. More anti-Tesco pro-Fife stuff here.

Sad but true:

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Broen II Bron III

You can of course have too much of a good thing and stretch a mild liking to unreasonable limits -  that's never me. So bearing that in mind and taking into account 10 dull years of self critical blogging and music production I'll stop rabbiting on about the Bridge and go back to my quiet and peaceful parallel universe mind palace. A place where no one can reach me, except for those who really try. You probably know who you are and yes I am not ruled by TV or by anything else that might make me seem weak other than my own well documented but passionately denied weaknesses and some cheap Polish under the counter medicine.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Broen II Bron II

After tea, ironing and planning the brave new kitchen world it's possibly time to relax; so in order to do this we're still following the Bridge II and playing catch up via Sky. Saga Noren of all the characters is the strangest and most jarring creation. Comedy and horror gold at the same time, watchable in an oddball way and never restrained in her caustic commentary on the life and action that passes her by like an ongoing train crash.

Some other notable thing but from the dim and distant movie past, 34 years on it's those eerie twins from the Shining, all grown up and still just a bit too scary for my liking.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Broen II Bron

Every scene is washed out, cool and slow, interiors are sparse and stylish, wine plops into glasses and couches are smooth and leathery. Healthy men smoke in secret and think hard. Nobody dares mention words like design or IKEA or smorgasbord. None of that would be appropriate. There are regular murders going on but few real tears, emotions are cranked down and not what they are cracked up to be; let’s play on as everything slows down because we’re living some strange half life where everything is a drama and everyone is a suspect but nobody did it.

You wonder who would take on a Scandinavian police job, long hours, no recognition, regular humiliation and the pleasure of being blanked or ignored on a regular basis. Meanwhile a few streets away out in the frozen night time some tainted secret missions and trysts are rolling out on a determined and inevitable path of self destruction. Everybody has a sexual quirk or a deep secret and everybody, in all their clipped tones and glib sub titled language is a suspect for some kind of criminal activity, even the good guys. 

Meanwhile out on the empty roads an olive Porsche 911 (or a 912 if what they say on the forums is true) roars like a filtered and filleted sacrificial lamb and becomes a cult internet object in the process. It’s the automotive manifestation of mystery syndrome envy and calculation, see the glazed look behind those blank headlight eyes. A fantasy roadrunner piece that will live long after the killer is caught and it's only as old as it’s driver. Got to watch the next three episodes before Saturday.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Just like the real thing

Grammys. One thing that makes me feel even more uncomfortably disconnected and psychotic are glitzy showbiz awards nights. Last night it was the Grammys, I caught the tail end of that bright, light entertainment comet on the morning after. There is of course some good stuff to celebrate, even a curmudgeon like me can appreciate that but...looking at the final awards lists, the dumb rappers in tuxedos, the old rocker's with fiercely died hair and the music establishment's worthies all on parade in the celeb news; it just looks all too strange and tacky and it's obsessed with the past (that sounds familiar). If you want to count me, count me out.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Gruffalo Puppet

Nothing particularly profound to share today, too tired from late nights and driving and too aware that the principal of Catch 22 is there everywhere in life; just waiting to pounce. Rather than struggling with any of that I've resigned myself to learning the delicate and soulful operation of a Gruffalo puppet. Far more worthwhile than any inner musing, reflection or the over thinking of the inevitable; nobody learns anything from experience. On a lighter note I've finally picked the three Kevin Ayres songs I want to be played at my funeral or at some similar and almost sombre time in the future.

P.S. If you feel bloated and like a floating bloater after a small fish supper how might you feel after a special fish supper. Ugh.

Friday, January 24, 2014

For reference

Alternative Wickerman Tea Towel Souvenir. Don't all rush at once.
I'm not really sure why I consider any of this to be important, it just seems like something I should know and possibly have an opinion on or perhaps I should cook up an alternative version; other classical solutions and views are available. So here are the seven basic plots in literature, theatre and film according to Christopher Booker.

Overcoming the monster – The protagonist sets out to defeat a force that threatens.

Rags to Riches – The poor protagonist acquires power and wealth then loses them but gains them back and grows in the process.

The Quest – The protagonist, perhaps accompanied sets out to acquire some treasure or objective facing obstacles all along the way.

Voyage and Return – The protagonist goes to some strange land or location eventually returning all the better for the experiences.

Comedy – The protagonists are destined to be in love but things conspire to keep them apart. Eventually after many trials they get together.

Tragedy – The protagonist suffers a fall from grace, his/her death brings about a happy ending.

Rebirth – The protagonist is a villain or somehow unpopular, he/she redeems him/herself through the course of the story.

or by Arthur Quiller-Crouch

Human v human

Human v nature

Human against god

Human v society

Human in the middle

Woman & Man

Human v him/herself.

There are many more variations on this but nothing original from me. Which one might be the story of your life? Knowing it could save you a lot of pointless conversation - it's better if you can point to a meaningful structure rather than struggle through some tedious narrative.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


Not exactly getting my shit together: I don't like the slow realisation of realising that I suffer now and forevermore from “old man's hair” syndrome. What was once dark brown and wavy and (on occasions) soft is now a grey/white Brillo Pad made of some alien and unruly material that refuses to behave and when uncombed or untended makes me look like a future lunatic or some unstable inmate of a sex offender unit. Ok perhaps that's going too far but bad hair is an irritant unless it naturally oozes nicely from the scalp and forms a smooth, perfect shape and colour set upon your head. On balance however most of my head and ears and nostrils is covered with it so it's hardly an endangered species and it still keeps me warm, it's just not the hair I remember or so took for granted for about 50 odd years. It's changed and it did so without asking my permission; that applies to a few other things come to think.  Time you look up testosterone suppliers on Amazon.

Pebble dash and tyres: How do stones actually get into your regular shoes (not flip flops) when you are far from a beach and why is it nobody cares about your new tyres? Starting with the tyres; I'm realising that it doesn't matter to other drivers what tin bucket you drive. You're just an object in space to them in one of three abstract states that they can unpleasantly interact with: a)the slow idiot in front of them, b) the twat grinding along behind them and up their arse or c) the buffoon who has stopped and is opening his/her door in the path of their fast moving car. That is all you are,  series of ill-judged events and states summed up by a badly badged, anonymous tin box, nothing more (unless you collide). Your lovely, pristine tyres that are now fully legal and rolling on the tarmac and into the pot holes mean nothing and the model of car you inhabit is just another chunk of doomed metal and plastic that happens to move. Stones in shoes I don't get, firstly, once the walking machine has started they only appear after a little while, not right away. So where were they at first? Did you step through some tiny meteor shower or avalanche of dust and debris, are mice throwing tiny stones at you as you pass, can stones pass through other materials and then reform themselves once  inside the dark, sweaty matter of your shoe? I'm puzzled and troubled by this one and my left foot hurts a little.


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Holstee manifesto

Internet wisdom is cheap and can be found everywhere on the internet, whether or not you subscribe to it is up to you. Here's some. I tend to read and ... forget.

Monday, January 20, 2014

The way we were

The last days of the east elevation: A state of the art time lapse camera is set up, waterproofed, discreet and disguised (?) in the nearby woodland to record the momentous events about to unfold; the building of a new kitchen and what not onto the rear of our house (all in the popular style of the Scottish Vernacular). Life is destined to never be the same again, a bit like most days really. The snowdrops have been rescued reluctantly from a watery and concrete grave and it's all systems go...any day soon and weather permitting. Not too many trees were  badly injured in the production of this short film and even fewer animals.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Saturday Club

It's Saturday morning and I'm spending two hours listening to Sounds of the Sixties on Radio 2, well it's playing in the background but my mind wanders. The smooth, stylish and timeless tones of Brian Matthew (aged 85 God bless him) join up the various musical strands of a four track decade into a pleasant air brushed on-air reminder of a time that never existed; those swinging fucking sixties. The nation's memoirs regurgitated and exaggerated by text message dedications for all those singles lost at parties or abandoned at the back of the smokey bus. Billy Liar still loves Julie Christie but she's still not for coming back to collect the stilettos she left under the bed and she didn't even open the badly written love letter.  

The strange thing is the hypnotic quality and the illusionary power of all those over spun and familiar 45s from lost record labels on endless repeat, a more potent drug right now today than anything smoked or ingested back then. I'm bizarrely transported to some easy and ideal life when everything worth having was two bob, cars were tinny and unreliable and prejudice, bigotry, class and humour were all boiled down into  the same entertaining and common thing - 625 powdery lines on the BBC. It's bound together in lots of musical slabs: Janis Joplin screaming but hardly in any discernible pain at all, the Small Faces resonating in a twangy soup of reverb, the Moody Blues with their serious meetings and bad hair cuts and moustaches, Jan and Dean inventing a surf music tragedy with Brian Wilson co-writing from the dead man's curve, Bob Dylan singing like a razor blade, the Kinks giving birth to the rock riff and the hopeless and disembodied  cry for light gauge strings to be available for all bedroom bound guitar players, soul music's eccentric search for itself in the rusting black heart of those all-American junkyards, the Stones and the Beatles bickering and squandering their talents, while guys with plumber's mates spectacles and gawky smiles strum sunburst Rickenbackers and sing in perfect harmony - but they never get the girl. 

Here it is, all replaying in a non-stop black and white world of teenage angst, repression and odd expressions of misplaced freedom and protest. I'm lost in a sea of Pirate Radio buffoonery and static where eggs are turned in carbon black frying pans and you can cook, smoke and shave all at the same time in any respectable working class kitchen. This non-digital and un-networked world seems so clean and fresh despite it's obviously dirty backside, like the mis-shapen fresh farm shop vegetables and produce that we think have  avoided the harsh and cynical distribution of the supermarket systems and Monsanto's sterile bugs. You can't get enough of them but then suddenly you're bloated, sick in the stomach and full of wind and cramps. Collective memory loss, fashion murders and musical credibility never properly make any kind of sense looking back. It was all over by the time I'd gawped at Easy Rider's X certificate closing scenes, the end of the innocence and the decade indeed.

The sixties were great, I was five, then I was fifteen, eyes and mouth wide open to all that passed by and passed away but I never felt part of any of it. It somehow slipped away on the pages and printer's ink of the growling Daily Express and the brassy Sunday People. An expression of pace and change and some bloke who is busy writing a decade's worth of soundtracking and noise to accompany the Space Race and the adoption of the decimal system. The decade we gave it all away.  It was all just an elaborate  Cold War fish and chip moment, crumpled and in the bin, discarded and  soon to be swallowed by the greasy, glittery and unholy seventies. Growing up is not all it's cracked up to be. Reflecting and remembering however is not so bad.