Meanwhile the question of the day is (and isn't likely to be answered), what is the best meal for a healthy but middle aged chap like me? Diet and lifestyle choices these days provide so many quandaries and moral dilemmas.
a) A Big Mac and a medium latte (no fries, no ketchup).
b) Poor Man's noodles with a curry twist and mackerel sauteed in olive oil.
c) A banana, a pack of 50p carrot batons and a slice of birthday cake.
d) Instant coffee, a cereal bar and a chunky Kit-Kat.
e) £25.01 worth of BP unleaded at 85.9p a litre.
f) Listening quietly to the Tom Morton show, eating nothing but possibly swallowing some saliva.
e) A plastic cup filled with fizzy vitamins and chilled water from the "Middle-aged man" Tesco range of healthy stuff.
Answers on a postcard please...
America is under new management says America, fine by me. When do we get to have a go at this over here?
A little of what you Fancy does you Good
All Things in Moderation
I laughed out loud at the saliva scenario - which is probably the best option - Big Mac sounds tastier though..