Thursday, August 06, 2020

Arthur's Seating Arrangements

Arthur's Seat on Acid - not for the first time.

Arthurs Seat on Acid - not for the first time.

For the ongoing avoidance of any doubt the seating arrangements are pretty simple, as it stands (or sits), two in the front and two in the rear. Please behave responsibly as you take up your allotted space. The conditions may be slippery so take care. The bike below is not an hill however and is a simple two seater.

All well and good you may say but the bike isn't a motor bike, it's an electric bicycle that looks like a motorbike but then again it is a motor bike but you pedal it and cycle it but at some point a motor kicks in and it has a rear pannier and somebody else who is not the actual rider can travel on the pillion. The trick is to maintain a healthy level of charge inside and out.

And another thing: These days I'm mostly fed up with people either saying stupid things or getting away with doing stupid things and not getting picked up for them or corrected. I'm particularly fed up with the SNP who despite doing reasonably well in dealing with Covid appear determined to a) do stupid things and b) allow people (mostly SNP people and woke luvvie types) to get away with doing stupid things. All in an irritating kind of self destructive Labour Partyish way. So I'm slowly walking away from all this and whistling some lift music tune quietly to myself.

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