Tuesday, May 05, 2020

The Legacy

Everything can be prefaced with "Lockdown" just now, it labels, describes and justifies all sorts of things: Lockdown drinking, eating, DIY, sex, sickness, mental illness, fashion choices, exercise regimes etc. So here's a random Lockdown TV choice from Denmark full of unlovable characters and awkward tension for the viewer. Festooned with free flowing and often too quick to grasp subtitles, irritating quirks, huge plot twists in every episode, bad writing and scripting (the word "jolly" comes up a lot), some stylish moments, shocks and cringe worthy soap opera style coincidences. Still good enough to pass a few hours under the curse of the 2020 lock, stock and two smoking grill pans. Best enjoyed on a squashy couch with some cheap red plonk and your significant other.

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